Just come in from the garage where I have finally managed to get the noo worktop onto trestles to cut it out.
Flipping thing weighs 57 kgs.
You may not think thats a lot.

But I had to faff around to get it onto them.
Have been trying to work out how to cut it so that it'll slide in under the tiles I have already put up.
It looks like a long oblong with a smallish rectangular cut out to the right hand corner around some trunking. So it'll be touching walls at both ends as well as the back. and it'll be protruding beyond the tiling at both ends.
Truubblle is, the corners aren't at right angles, obvs. The end walls are slightly out of parallel. And it is wider at the back than the front. Or it would be if it wasn't for the cut out. And the noo one is quite a bit thicker.
Last time I had my ex-s-i-l doing it with me, he the builderer bloke, and we ripped out and replaced the worktops in both the kitchen and the utility in one evening. and one was L shaped. We had to cut and join that one, well he did it! I just made the tea!
So in the utility we positioned one end against the wall then slid the other end down, over the previous tiles, which were thinner and then ........
That is where my memory fails me. Can't remember if the battening was already in place or not.
This time the tiles are much thicker, as is the worktop so I think this way may well be out. And I'll be doing it on my own with possibly a tiny bit of help from W.
I still have the old worktop to use as a template, although I had to saw it in half to get it out. (I hand sawed it so the cut is very thin.)
I have to cut a length off the back anyway as otherwise it'll be too wide, so could experiment with that I suppose.
I can clear the floor but the plumbing for the gas boiler, the two machines and the sink will all have to be there.
Guess I could mess about with the old one, securing the two pieces back together and strengthening it where the sink cut out is then try different ways of getting it in, seeing what I can get away with using the thickness of the tiles.
My problem is I am rubbish at thinking in three dimensions but I'll have to use the third dimension to get it in.
Hey ho!
Sleep well folks!