On 1/9/04 3:10 AM, in article [email protected],
"MeatballTurbo" <[email protected]> wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>,
> [email protected] says...
>> In article <[email protected]>,
>> [email protected] says...
>>> "Exit" <[email protected]> wrote
>>>> Alejandro Magno wrote:
>>>>> How would you like your sons and daughters to look like ?
>>>>> Like these: http://www.whitechildren.com/white_extinction_natall.swf
>>>>> or
>>>>> like these: http://www.white-history.com/usafuture.htm
>>>>> Who is more beautiful ?
>>>>> A) http://www.celebritycd.com/vanessawilliams/vanessa17.jpg
>>>>> or
>>>>> B) http://www.angelfire.com/celeb2/gladeye/ju121en.jpg
>>>>> Who is more handsome ?
>>>>> A) http://www.skalman.nu/third-reich/bilder/hess-rudolf.jpg
>>>>> or
>>>>> B) http://www.quotesandsayings.com/mandela.jpg
>>>> He obviously hasn't had the biology lesson that explains all men descended
>>>> from black men originally.
>>> GOD created men in HIS image, not in the image of a monkey.
>>> Magnus
>>> http://www.imperium-europa.org
>> Jesus wasn't white, chucklehead.
> As a middle eastern Jew, he would have been arabic in his appearance for
> the period. Probably fairly racely pure as people didn't move and mix
> then, but definatley a racely pure Jew. And this isn't a racist attack.
> Just a statement of fact. the exteme right really need to check things
> before they make fools of themselves, as if the uniforms weren't
> ridiculous. Of course I'm from the UK, where we don't have an
> unalienable right to free speech, so I'm quite within my rights to tell
> a part-time Nazi to "Shut the **** up".
Now tell me who seen the movie Jesus Christ Superstar???
He sure looked white to me ))))))
"MeatballTurbo" <[email protected]> wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>,
> [email protected] says...
>> In article <[email protected]>,
>> [email protected] says...
>>> "Exit" <[email protected]> wrote
>>>> Alejandro Magno wrote:
>>>>> How would you like your sons and daughters to look like ?
>>>>> Like these: http://www.whitechildren.com/white_extinction_natall.swf
>>>>> or
>>>>> like these: http://www.white-history.com/usafuture.htm
>>>>> Who is more beautiful ?
>>>>> A) http://www.celebritycd.com/vanessawilliams/vanessa17.jpg
>>>>> or
>>>>> B) http://www.angelfire.com/celeb2/gladeye/ju121en.jpg
>>>>> Who is more handsome ?
>>>>> A) http://www.skalman.nu/third-reich/bilder/hess-rudolf.jpg
>>>>> or
>>>>> B) http://www.quotesandsayings.com/mandela.jpg
>>>> He obviously hasn't had the biology lesson that explains all men descended
>>>> from black men originally.
>>> GOD created men in HIS image, not in the image of a monkey.
>>> Magnus
>>> http://www.imperium-europa.org
>> Jesus wasn't white, chucklehead.
> As a middle eastern Jew, he would have been arabic in his appearance for
> the period. Probably fairly racely pure as people didn't move and mix
> then, but definatley a racely pure Jew. And this isn't a racist attack.
> Just a statement of fact. the exteme right really need to check things
> before they make fools of themselves, as if the uniforms weren't
> ridiculous. Of course I'm from the UK, where we don't have an
> unalienable right to free speech, so I'm quite within my rights to tell
> a part-time Nazi to "Shut the **** up".
Now tell me who seen the movie Jesus Christ Superstar???
He sure looked white to me ))))))