I am close to knackering a car shoving it in.
As much I know this was said in jest and you have some far more sensible suggestions if you have something else with a solid land rover style bumper a (another land rover would be ideal) and if you only need it to go in once, rather than regularly in and out, something on the lip so it is not a hard edge and an old tyre between the two vehicles and pushing it in with another car should be fine as long as you take it easy. Land rovers have the advantage of being big and solid, after the fire in my 110 I used a telehandler to push it up onto the trailer with one of the forks against the top of the tow bar drop plate,
I think it'd be tough, but with all resistance in the cylinders removed i.e. injectors or glow plugs removed, the starter motor in low range first should shift it. And controllably too.
That will definitely work, I have moved them around on the starter a surprising distance and that is without the engine being stripped so it still had compression.