Yeah you're right fett, the chances are my 3.5 isn't showing full potential.
So far I'm judging a tired 3.5 and a bodged 3.5
The v8 hottub is still sat in the corner.
A mortgage awaits me around the corner so skintness is my new priority
This does not leave any room for frivolous engine playtime.
I still think it is fair to say that my 3.5 will be in reasonable nick though, even without a rebore it has only done 2k on new rings with lapped valves, I assume the p5 cam doesn't do anything for torques but I still feel displacement might be an issue.
That said, I'm currently rebuilding a 1.4 transfer case which will go in tomorrow if gasket set arrives today so that might make a huge difference by bringing my gearing back to stock.
The plan then is to look into tuning in some economy on the motorway, she currently drinks far too much but that's because I do not achieve a lean cruise, basically we suspected that my over gearing was keeping the revs low and the MAP high, basically engine labouring a bit, which is driving the fueling up the fuel table.
Hence, get a 1.4 case to correct gearing and then see about lean cruise.
It will also help the car feel more like stock again.
A sudden influx of money would assist me with putting my engine related chit chat into parts and pictures, but for the near future all I can do is waffle on about it.