Where do you keep your landy?

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New Member
Hi chaps,
I’d like to know where you all keep your landy. I couldn't find any thread about this, just some comments here and there.
What I’ve learnt so far, the one keep their car outside, use some sort of cover to protect it from the elements.

I’d like to know this because I don’t know much about Land Rovers. I’d like to buy a RRC, always love this car since I was a teen.
The thing is, I don’t have a garage, not even a drive way. It will have to be on the street all the time. I reckon the main problem with that would be corrosion or get nicked.
I’d try to do what I can to fight the corrosion (e.g. rustproofing treatment and keep refreshing regularly, new door rubber seals), but rustproofing treatment is only applied to the underbody, what about the rest of the car?
So probably to leave a RRC in the street is a bad idea and I’d be better off buying something else for now.
Any thoughts?

Hidden from view in the back garden, it being a 110 with galvanized chassis, bulkhead, door frames, stainless exhaust. There's not much of a problem with corrosion..
And the roof has a nice layer of litchen on it..

As for the street, mines only one car wide. So no option of parking there. We also live in one of the lowest crime areas in the country.. in a town I'd be much more worried..
My immediate thought is 1. don't buy a RRC, or 2. move house to one with a garage. Or, do you have space and access to build a garage/store in a car tent to the rear of your garden?

Really, any classic Land/Range Rover is not the type of vehicle to keep on the street. Doing this will give you constant sleepless nights. Any classic on the street is not ideal...little protection, prone to knocks/scratches and a right pain in the arse to work on/repair.

Of course, you could rent a local garage/secure long term parking and just amortise this cost within overall cost of ownership.
I have two land rovers on the drive, the way the pair of them have corroded over the last 10 years is amazing, both used not much but they do go out, brake like to seize/fail for fun.
It is mainly the paint/rubber seals that has gone, the underside is fine as rust proffed annually/bi annually.

I would say apart form corrosion a classic rr will be a target for theft.
My 1996 Defender 90 CSW is just kept on the drive. I rebuilt it about 5 years ago on to a galv chassis, galv bulkhead, galv floor supports, body cappings, inner sills and other galve bits. Full respray inside and out. It won't fit in the garage, so no choice but to leave it on the drive. Factory fitted alarm and immobiliser, I've also fitted a tracker and it has a pedal lock on it as soon as it stops. We always park another car behind it, when we can, which is most of the time.
Are people nicking RRC's? Never had any bother with mine and weren't worth nicking them days. But it was rusting faster than it would get pinched.
My defender is under a wooden carport now. I used to put a tarp over it every day when it would rain before I had the carport. Had strings tied to the holes in the tarp in a way they hooked round the bumper and would wrap around the wings. and the rear had strings that knotted on the Jate rings. and the sides were spring clamped to the sills. Was quick to chuck on and off. But putting it on when you get home in a thunderstorm wasn't fun, same in the morning when you want to leave and it's raining.

An RRC is pretty much my dream vehicle to have one day. I was hoping the theft rate was lower. Don't know much about the corrosion on them but judging by the above post it doesn't sound good.

If you can, buy it, enjoy it, work on it, adventure in it, and protect it to the extent that you wouldn't regret your actions should it get stolen/corrode. Whatever happens from there is out of your control. I'd rather be a guy with a rusted/stolen landy than one who never had one.
Oh ffs at the title. Looks like a good watch though. Cheers.

What's the budget for a tidy/acceptable and workable rrc? It's it really silly money now?
I'm not seriously concerned about the theft of my RRC from the drive as (a) it's fitted with both a Thatcham 2 ign. immobiliser & a Disk-lock (b) has agreed value insurance cover.
As for corrosion the cars' had three professional anti rust treatments over my 13 years of ownership with annual check-ups & this protection is aided by the use of a half cover. I used to employ a full cover, but it's such a faff if you want to use the car & I think the half version aids ventilation anyway.
The car has only done 20K miles in my ownership (40K at purchase) as it's a second car to our daily driver.
I built a large open sided lean to on the back of one of our barns, direct access to the parking space/road. It protects from the worst of the weather and is good in that there is plenty of ventilation.
Theft is not really a problem around here (famous last words) but if we go away for more than a few days I do imobilise them. I have a 200Tdi 90 and a 2.4 VM RRC.
(more times than I like to think about I have gone to use one of them and found I have forgotton to lock up the day before. Even leaving the rear door open on the 90 for a couple of days - prat.)
This is half of it, not got a better photo to hand.

I cover most options. Front garden, on the drive, back garden yet oddly not in the garage. That's got car parts, spare wheels, a kayak and other miscellaneous crap. The only Landy that would fit would be YFO as pictured without roof.