when green laning in a group...

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I'm not talking about keeping every vehicles in sight, just the vehicle behind. As the vehicles in front will be keeping you in sight you should always be able to see the vehicle in front and the vehicle behind, it also means that at any time two drivers should be able to see the gate. If no one can see the gate, it should be closed. Allowing stock to stray is a quick way of annoying farmers.

Hmmm did you ever play chinese whispers? So lets get this right car 1 drives through the gate and stops to get out and tell car 2 the message to pass on to car 3... who stops to tell car 4 the message to pass on to car 5.

And this is easier than a simple radio message?:D

Common sense prevails. If you are out in a group the leader shouts "last one through shut the gate please..." on his radio. Its a great sentence and one that in my experience has always resulted in the gate being shut without ****ing off the farmer. Of course the message is sometimes to leave the gate open, another way to avoid ****ing off farmers that have left the gate open for a perfectly good reason!
I quite agree, I didn't say radios aren't useful, just that they aren't essential.
FFS... get a CB, if only for the days banter on the airwaves..!

the leader and tail ender should always be in contact with one another, and if there is a problem the whole group can stop.
If anyone can't be arsed, or simply can't, fit a cb then use pmr445 (walkie talkie) radio sets. Pick a pair up for £20, they're most excellent for convoy/gree-laning situations 'cos you're hopefully not going to be far from each other, certainly closer than their 2km range ... ;)
IF it wernt for me CB I'd probably still be sitting on the hard shoulder of the M42 waiting for the AA!

communication within the group whilst actually moving is both functional and fun. Cheap at any price.

But then there's always that **** in the group that thinks you want to listen to his car stereo playing 'Eye of the fuc**in tiger' over the CB. No we dont you arse!, you just keyed over my message!
IF it wernt for me CB I'd probably still be sitting on the hard shoulder of the M42 waiting for the AA!

communication within the group whilst actually moving is both functional and fun. Cheap at any price.

But then there's always that **** in the group that thinks you want to listen to his car stereo playing 'Eye of the fuc**in tiger' over the CB. No we dont you arse!, you just keyed over my message!

Absolutely... and everyone knows who the arse was but no one will say the name like some medieval curse if we say the name we'll end up just like him!


CB is jolly banter... a little more fun than listening to radio 2 while trying to get past the next " unsuitable for vehicles" sign, an SOS device and, in my personal opinion, a valuable tool in our chosen passtime!
Been reading this and now thinking I better dig out my CBs from the loft. Haven't used them in ages.

I must have several up there, and I think most of them still work.

Also trying to think if I still have my 'rubber duck' which would be immune to branch attack etc.

I haven't used CB since I got my Ham licence - is it still full of muppets playing their favourite radio stations and constantly swearing 'coz they think it makes the sound big and clever??

I haven't used CB since I got my Ham licence - is it still full of muppets playing their favourite radio stations and constantly swearing 'coz they think it makes the sound big and clever??

Same as it ever was ...

Not so bad when you're in a group though, there's always a few empty channels you can move to ... ;)
Been reading this and now thinking I better dig out my CBs from the loft. Haven't used them in ages.

I must have several up there, and I think most of them still work.

Also trying to think if I still have my 'rubber duck' which would be immune to branch attack etc.

I haven't used CB since I got my Ham licence - is it still full of muppets playing their favourite radio stations and constantly swearing 'coz they think it makes the sound big and clever??


Blimey it is bleedin active down where you are then. Here in Dunstable it is restricted to five main users... two over retirement age and a few of us off road/green laners who have hijacked a channle for our own use!
Well it was that active last time I was on - but it was a long time ago. Definately more than 10 years, possibly even 15.

Lost interest in CB the instant I had a real radio - though I haven't used that either for years as I don't know anyone else with a licence that I can talk to, and they went and invented the internet which is much easier. Ham radio has been replaced by Twitter for me !!

Couldn't find the CBs in the loft, must be buried in the garage. I also have a frriend that is giving me several more - again we don't use them for D of E any more as mobiles work well enough where we go.

Anyway, depending on what works, and which I want to keep and use, I may have some CBs to sell on in the near future......watch this space (or is it listen).


ps Do people still use stupid 'handles' on CB? I guess they do, 'coz everyone uses stupid handles online ;-)
Blimey it is bleedin active down where you are then. Here in Dunstable it is restricted to five main users... two over retirement age and a few of us off road/green laners who have hijacked a channle for our own use!

I basically just use that channel you mention and 19 most of the time. A CB is useful and fun when off roading but also for getting traffic updates as well. A while back I left work and there was a massive traffic jam. Turned the CB on an the truckers were discussing how there had been an accident on the motorway and it was closed and what roads were busy around. That meant I knew the delays were going to be long and that to take an alternative route away from the signed diversions that everyone else was using.
I fitted a Cb into the Disco, and everytime the ariel hit a branch we got a almight dong through the roof :doh: Anyone else get it? And Anyway to stop it?
I fitted a Cb into the Disco, and everytime the ariel hit a branch we got a almight dong through the roof :doh: Anyone else get it? And Anyway to stop it?

If it's a springer type aerial. tie a length of string to it and bend it right back out of the way. or just enjoy the lovely Boing boing boing noise it makes as yu drive along..:D
Well if you're only trying to communicate over a few yards down your green lane convoy you don't really need an aerial. Of course if you transmit without one the rig will blow up, but what I mean is any old thing that's properly matched will work.

I used to have a rubber duck (aka flexible antenna - about 8" long) from a hand held on a mag mount. Works great as long as you're not trying to talk to people in France!!!

Oh, and remember I said 'properly matched' - please don't just use 8" of coat hanger and then blame me afterwards!!

If it's a springer type aerial. tie a length of string to it and bend it right back out of the way. or just enjoy the lovely Boing boing boing noise it makes as yu drive along..:D

Yup, its a springer type one :eek: Alright for a few mins but after that.....:frusty::frusty:
Mine does it all the time, cba to do anything about it!!

Well yeah, every time it hits a tree or something, sorry, doesn't twang during 'normal' driving.

Been knocked off once, but it's a big enough mag-mount to cope at any driving speed and branches down to within a few inches of the roof. When it got knocked off the branch also scratched the roof!