Currently have a 300 tdi L plate 90 that was given to me by my father 8 years ago after it got too long in the tooth for the farm. Previous to that it was owned by a quarrying company for 4 years and neither my dad or the quarry firm looked after it. Hense Im now balls deep in even MORE chassis welding. Its starting to get to the point now where theres more welded plates than rear end. The fronts ends fine and so's the engine, body work is mega tatty, doors are fooked, bulkhead isnt ideal and the tubs pretty holey.
So do I
a) Buy a late model 300tdi and swap all the aftermarket goodies onto it then scrap / flog whats left.
b) Buy a TD5 (do the radius arms tank guard dampers etc swap from 300tdi to TD5?) and scrap / sell whats left.
c) Spend sh*t loads of time, money and effort buying a galv chassis and rebuild my current 90 with a load of new parts.
Any input is greatly appreciated, currently I'm favouring either of the first two options.
p.s a budget of no more than £4k is available.
So do I
a) Buy a late model 300tdi and swap all the aftermarket goodies onto it then scrap / flog whats left.
b) Buy a TD5 (do the radius arms tank guard dampers etc swap from 300tdi to TD5?) and scrap / sell whats left.
c) Spend sh*t loads of time, money and effort buying a galv chassis and rebuild my current 90 with a load of new parts.
Any input is greatly appreciated, currently I'm favouring either of the first two options.
p.s a budget of no more than £4k is available.