changed me shagged alternator for a working 100Amp one

changed me flat battery for the old one out of me 200tdi Been chucked in the, gas bottle store, in the pikey wagon for 9months. started me disco 1st turn of the key.

Tested me noo CD player. no dash controls and asks for code everytime ignition is turned on??

Tried to fit me steering guard and the panhard drop arm/bracket thingy bolt was seized in the chassis/arm. put a spanner on the bolt head, and snapped the fooker off

fitted the front axle diff guard,

didn't fit the rear axle diff guard. Cos diff cover is wafer thin and about to blow thru??

Fitted me Guardian Tank Guard

& snapped one of the ARB mounting bolts in the process
Found a large hole 40mm diameter in the centre chassis crossmember