What have you done to your Landie today.

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Phew!! Thought it could of been something more serious and expensive!! I will see how it starts in the morning as it's been taking upto 30 seconds to fire up then quite a lot of dense white smoke, clears after a few revs which I presume is un burnt diesel
Fitted new Transmission brake shoes,replaced rear wiper motor, fitted new park switch and wiper arms to front and fitted a rear step so daughters can get in and out easier. Loads more to do tomorrow can't wait :)
Finished painting the body just the accessories to do now all in my new portable spray booth :p


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This morning i removed the running boards from the sides of my new disco and took her out for my first day greenlaning. Loved every minute.
took her greenlaning with my generals on this time had good fun untill the panhard rod bracket snapped off the axle and brought me to a hugely shakey stop. just so glad it did it then and not while towing or cruising down the a14 at 70. so had to borrow the work's recovery truck to get her home. now really need to get the spare axle swapped over asap
took her greenlaning with my generals on this time had good fun untill the panhard rod bracket snapped off the axle and brought me to a hugely shakey stop. just so glad it did it then and not while towing or cruising down the a14 at 70. so had to borrow the work's recovery truck to get her home. now really need to get the spare axle swapped over asap
You animal..!
thats why I'm known as animal lol. last weekends laning I somehow managed to snap the steering damper bracket on my sumobars. both are gwyn lewis parts. so I welded that back together saturday then sunday snapped the panhard bracket. once I get to stripping the axle out I'll take pics and put them up. I did it well
Decided to finish off the oil change seen as I had a few hours spare. I knew I needed the t55 torq bit for the gearbox so I went to buy one, purchased a set for £30 and made a start, got under the landy and noticed that the nut had been swapped to a square drive making my newly acquired set redundant! So I removed the filler plug and went to put my 32mm socket on the drain plug, socket wasn't possible to fit due to fouling on the transfer box, back to the tool shop again! 32mm spanner purchased at a cost of £20 and back to work I went!! No other issues in changing the oil and did transfer box aswell, noticed play in both diff output bearings so the next job is to swap these over, I've had a rotational rumble at certain speeds and a clunk on gear changes so hopefully the bearings are the culprit!! Other jobs on the to do list are rocker gasket, head gasket and timing belt kit. I also need to patch the rear chassis under the bump stop before January's not due date, but thinking of purchasing a new rear crossmember with the extended legs.
New discs and pads all round....then changed the batteries in the key fobs with the minimum of fuss...:)
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bought another disco, cus it was cheep reported to have busted tranferbox and front diff. so i changed passenger hub assembly and all worked well. almost well it still has clunk from front axel
Tried to drag a fully loaded 10t muckaway truck that had got bogged down in a field. Managed to move it 30 feet before he dug himself right in. Fecking useless sod didn't have a clue :mad: Which part of "don't rev the engine just keep it ticking over in the lowest gear, till we're off the field" did he not fecking understand??????

His boss turned up in his shiny noo Rangey, with enough chain to reach him from the road. and extracted the useless bugger. MInd you I did get £20 for me troubles so can't complain too much..
Tried to drag a fully loaded 10t muckaway truck that had got bogged down in a field. Managed to move it 30 feet before he dug himself right in. Fecking useless sod didn't have a clue :mad: Which part of "don't rev the engine just keep it ticking over in the lowest gear, till we're off the field" did he not fecking understand??????

His boss turned up in his shiny noo Rangey, with enough chain to reach him from the road. and extracted the useless bugger. MInd you I did get £20 for me troubles so can't complain too much..

should make then useless lorry drivers sit down and watch how the ruskies do deep mud bogs in ex army 10 wheelers on chains with a big full load of cut trees.
seems there axles are pushing away the mud as they go.