My seats are comfortable, but they aren't standard SE seats. In fact I don't know what seats I have? I've never seen any the same as mine. They aren't HSE seats as the style is completely different. I'd like to find a replacement cover for the driver's seat, but can't until I can identify what they are from.I think the seats are slightly more comfortable in a face lift (S spec anyway, can't comment on other specs) Can't think of anything else I prefer about faclift cars.
Any help here is welcome
I prefer the look of the facelift bumpers and the lighting modifications that went on with the facelift. I always felt the pre-facelift headlights were poor at best, on dip beam anyway. I also felt that the tail lights didn't give a good idea of the width of vehicle, when viewed from behind, in the dark.
I also prefer the facelift interior look. I always felt the early interior looked old, even by 1998 standards. Just compare it to a much earlier Rover 800, too see what I mean. For me, the facelift was a welcome improvement in design, if lacking in quality some what.