When the rusted, gunked up lid on the fish tank in my Freelander is eventually opened, it will be like an Time Team archeological dig

Gawd knows what will be found in there. Other than sludge that is.
Its an enigma (if that's the right word) my Broom....
Its tatty as. Carpets and fittings in the boot rotted out. Carpets in the front rotted out due to a (at least 10 year) leaking heater matrix. Back seat stitching has rotted away (and big holes in the front seats). Condensation dripping through out, headlining only held up by plastic trim bits, bodywork panels don't line up from repairs that must have been a serious whack before I bought it, various bits have never or intermittently worked since we've owned it ( that's 13 or 14 years and including LHR door latch), leaks more oil than the Exxon Valdez, has more clunks and boings than Big Ben on repeat, pumps out more smoke than the Drax power station - and these are the faults that I haven't learned to live with and forget...
But, it sails through WOFs (MOTs), is borigly reliable, hardly ever needs bits fixing (to be reliable and road worthy), will still return, as good as, 40mpg on a run, ferries me to and from work absolutely dependably, take tours round the country absolutely dependably - amazingly the AC still pumps cold (when I have nagging passengers cos I refuse to burn fuel just to keep cool) and the sun roof works perfectly (every time I press the button by mistake cos I don't use the sun roof in case it breaks). Plus it still look awesome when I give it a wash
She's a good old girl Broom. I give her an annual service and every time I cut the ignition I thank her and tell her she's done well (I really do!). And she rewards me with her dependable service.