The Hippo has had an annoying brake squeal lately so today it was time to do a service. Things went very well, the front pads were near new but the rotors had a bit of a rust lip so I chamfered the edges of the pads and reassembled using some copaslip on the metal to metal areas.. The sliding pins were free and well lubricated which was nice. As a bonus I found that the front struts had been replaced not so long ago. The rears also came apart without drama. The seals on the wheel cylinders are dry and the shoes have a good 50% life left so after a good dust clean out they went back together. I will rotate the tyres when they go back on.
Not being one to leave well enough alone I decided to change the oil in the rear diff. I've had it on the shelf for a year but had been waiting till I had the Hippo with all 4 wheels off the ground and level..
I'll tell you, I sure would like to meet the cheap SOB at Land Rover who decided to save 50p by not fitting a drain plug!

Granted, removing the 8 bolts on the diff cover would be easier if I had a hoist-which I don't. It would also be easier if I removed the exhaust back box for access, which I am not about to do, having had some nasty/expensive experiences messing with old exhaust systems.
In the end, using a selection of ratchets, extension bars, ratcheting wrenches and motivating language I was able to get the cover off . I'm going to let it drain for a couple of hours then I'll go back into the garage and swear at it until it goes back together. Then I'll figure out how to get an oil bottle and hose in there to refill the rotten thing.