All reassembled and running again. Oil flush done. Just some final checks and adjustments to be done - especially the coolant level / bleeding.
Well, all back together again and I've had it running. 1st start was very easy. I wound the motor over without the plugs in to get oil to the valve & cam gear, that worked a treat and the start was straight away and all was quiet

. I took care with the filling of the cooling system too, heater on full, both bleed screws out, filled and when no bubbles in the lower bleed point replaced its screw, continued and did the same with the upper one too, filled coolant tank to the max mark put cap on tight and started it. I let it idle in the driveway for a good 20 to 30 min's, gave it the occasional rev, nothing much maybe 2500 to 3000 rpm. 'Massaged' the radiator and heater hoses as best I could. The bottom hose grew hot and the oil lines to the cooler got hot too so all looked good. When inside and after giving the throttle a prod I could hear gurgling in the heater - I should have paid attention to that. Coolant level was stable so I went for a short gentle drive, about 4 to 5 km round the block via the main road. My low coolant light came on so I stopped and had a look, the coolant was low in the tank, I topped it up and gently drove the last 2km home. Idling in the driveway all seemed well but the coolant tank would suddenly fill to the brim! I siphoned a bit out but it did it again

.The fans came on and it went down to a normal level and when I gave the throttle a tweek it would drop too. I think there was an air lock - bugger! I don't think I've damaged anything like the HG... but have to admit to a fair amount of paranoia!
I left it and the next afternoon I checked the coolant and it had dropped to about the low mark. I topped it up to the max and started it again this time I left the coolant cap loose. Massaged the hoses again... all seemed to heat up as expected oil pressure and temp all good, coolant temp gauge normal too. I Left it for another day and the coolant had lowered again just below the low mark. Topped up and repeated the warm up process... That was Tuesday and I haven't got back to it to check.
I hope it's just air working its way out of the system. I've not experienced air lock problems before so am both puzzled and concerned.
I hope to God it's not a liner prob', but if it is I've got those shims now so will have to have the head off again... I'll have a practice on my spare motor first to see how hard liners are to reseal with everything in situ before I pull anything apart.