I recently helped to tow out a motorhome from the mud-pit that was Hollowell Steam Rally!
(The link takes you to the right moment in the video... not the very beginning

Hollowell Steam Rally & Heavy Horse Show 2012 - YouTube
There's also a lot more footage of much heavier vehicles getting stuck in the mud in the above video - 6 wheel drive Scammel, 6 wheel drive Leyland Martian, low loaders, tractors, steam engines - all sorts!!
Embarassingly enough, however, even with mud terrains, we eventually had to pull the motorhome out with a small tractor on the front of my Landy :Cry:
At the same event, I also towed a 3.5 ton catering van across the muddy field and struggled to find grip (again with mud terrains) while reversing it into position at the bottom of the waterlogged field!
Oh, and then, at another event (Cambridgeshire Steam Rally), I spent 2 full days towing vehicles, trailers and vehicles *with* trailers onto the rally field, including "Nora's Fudge"!
I also have a video of this event too, if you want to see more stuff (but not as much) driving through some shallower mud!!
Cambridgeshire Steam Rally 2012, Swavesey (21 - 22 July 2012) - YouTube
Not the best off roading ever, but still a bit of fun