What did you do with your Range Rover today

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Perhaps I have been EXTREMELY lucky with George, but she always starts and always completes a run no matter if it's a short jaunt to the shop or a long run to see my family.

When I got her, I needed a new battery so I went for an Oldham http://www.motorcaremf.co.uk/sdetails45.html

So far, she has sat outside for a week or more at a time in minus conditions, frost covering the windows & roof, yet I can go out on my crutches, sound in the knowledge that my car will fire up 1st time.

Try Oldham bateries, they've done me proud so far :cool:
Perhaps I have been EXTREMELY lucky with George, but she always starts and always completes a run no matter if it's a short jaunt to the shop or a long run to see my family.

When I got her, I needed a new battery so I went for an Oldham http://www.motorcaremf.co.uk/sdetails45.html

So far, she has sat outside for a week or more at a time in minus conditions, frost covering the windows & roof, yet I can go out on my crutches, sound in the knowledge that my car will fire up 1st time.

Try Oldham bateries, they've done me proud so far :cool:

Like I said , until I changed the battery about three years ago, I had no issues. I went away for months at a time, came home, turned the key and vroom. However, I had to replace it . got a Bosch battery from my local indy and then had 3yrs of not starting and batteries going back time after time, on warranty. It would probably have been a lot less than 3yrs if it wasn't for two factors, 1 I used to spend a lot of time away and 2 all the other issues she's had keeping her off the road.
Hopefully now they have realised there is a more powerful battery for the Vogue, all the cancelled appts because of a flat battery will now be just a memory and my beautiful big girl will go back to starting first time.
I am a bit p'd off as they should've got the correct battery the first time but hey ho, yolofish ;)
Reassembled the engine! Nearly there now, just needs injectors and inlet manifold etc, coolant filling and then running. Hopefully this might spell the start of some slightly reliable use to earn it's keep, otherwise I foresee it changing hands!

Did she?

Don't leave us hanging :eek:


Minus several yesterday and with ice all over, George fired 1st turn and was throwing out serious heat by the time I hit the 1st roundabout :)
Vrrrrooooommmmmm vrooooomm. Pulls up, switches veh off,jumps out and tah dah! Yep she started no issues, now she has to sit for a few days, so we'll see if she does as well.
Stripped my engine down ....again. Took heads to get checked. Ordered a set of ARP studs from V8Tuner (very helpful guy is Paul). This is the last attempt to sort out my head gaskets or it's swan vesta time.:mad:
Cheers Dave, since the new engine I had the thread in the block go on the RH bank (my mech put a helicoil in & did the head again). Then the next thread to that one failed within 2 months so I helicoiled them all on the RH bank & all been good. Now the LH bank has started to leak a little oil from block to head join. Stripped it down yesterday & the middle upper bolt was suspect as the rest came loose with a crack & this one felt different. The gasket was failing from the bolt out towards the valley so i'm helicoiling this lot on the LH bank now. I think my block may have had a few too many head changes or was pretty much abused & overheated before it was top hatted as it seems the threads are not holding out. Either that or the 4.0l pistons are pushing the compression too far.
I took my spare set of heads for checking as these haven't been skimmed before. Cheers for the offer though mate.
... Got a Bosch battery from my local indy and then had 3yrs of not starting and batteries going back time after time, on warranty. ...
The garage round my way refuses to use Bosch batteries anymore. You pay more for a trusted name but the quality isn't there. Every Bosch they fitted was back for warranty repair within 3 months (including both of my vehicles). They swear by YUASA now.

Stripped my engine down ....again. Took heads to get checked. Ordered a set of ARP studs from V8Tuner (very helpful guy is Paul). This is the last attempt to sort out my head gaskets or it's swan vesta time.:mad:
Damn, you've not been having much luck with her, might as well just LS swap it. All of the cool kids are doing it. ;D
The garage round my way refuses to use Bosch batteries anymore. You pay more for a trusted name but the quality isn't there. Every Bosch they fitted was back for warranty repair within 3 months (including both of my vehicles). They swear by YUASA now.

Damn, you've not been having much luck with her, might as well just LS swap it. All of the cool kids are doing it. ;D
The third time the battery was exchanged, it was a Yuasa they put in, with exact same issue! So far, so good. It is looking as if the wrong battery was put in 3yrs ago! Not really surprised, considering everything else ;)
thanks guys ,sorted now ,combination of internal damage to flexi hose and pinhole seepage from steel pipe on front caliper into paint and waxoyl buildup -found by process of elimination and bleeding from furthest point repeatedly....eight ,yes 8 ,litres of fluid later
thanks guys ,sorted now ,combination of internal damage to flexi hose and pinhole seepage from steel pipe on front caliper into paint and waxoyl buildup -found by process of elimination and bleeding from furthest point repeatedly....eight ,yes 8 ,litres of fluid later

Internal damage to flexi's, eh ;)

I don't clamp flexi's now because seen too many ruined hoses.

Press brake pedal before carrying out work, keep it down by placing a stick on the pedal, a small, flat board against the front of the seat base and if need be, adjust the seat to press it further. Then, carry out the work required. The master cylinder is closed so no leakage and when it comes to bleeding, close everything up, remove the stick and bleed as normal IF required. Mostly, you need one or two pumps of the pedal.

But delighted to hear you nailed it :)
Internal damage to flexi's, eh ;)

I don't clamp flexi's now because seen too many ruined hoses.
I keep a selection of blocked fittings in my toolbox. So if what I am doing will take a long time I'll throw one on. Works a treat and allows you to move the vehicle (regularly have to move vehicles out of the workshop while awaiting parts). All of my fittings are recycled from old brakeparts heading to the bin.

The third time the battery was exchanged, it was a Yuasa they put in, with exact same issue! So far, so good. It is looking as if the wrong battery was put in 3yrs ago! Not really surprised, considering everything else ;)
Wow, you haven't been leaving the headlights on have you? I thought the Merc was bad for killing batteries.
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Wow, you haven't been leaving the headlights on have you? I thought the Merc was bad for killing batteries.

gold rover said:
The third time the battery was exchanged, it was a Yuasa they put in, with exact same issue! So far, so good. It is looking as if the wrong battery was put in 3yrs ago! Not really surprised, considering everything else

Jeez! You've been with them two minutes and they've already removed your reading skills. Good job Christmas is coming up and you can have a little break ;):D
What did I do today I broke it

Well a few times now in the morning (cold) car

Gearbox fault I know it's a sign of a weak battery
But I thought I'd check the fluid all ok

Then why o why my return pipe from rad to expansion tank was weaping thought I'd give it a wiggle .
Bad move off it pops burnt hand slightly and the stupid metal pipe that sits in the top broke well the plastic housing corroded :(

Well the good news 99 plus vat delivery tomorow
Thank you FF
AND I got it out with absolute no jammed bolts you know those rad ones !!!
And the fan spun off without any help can't believe it:):):)

Bloody cold tho


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what did i do with my Range Rover today...

Brought Baby West home from the Hospital.. Born Friday at 2013hrs, 7lb 3oz

The Range rover performed without fault.