What did you do with your Range Rover today

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Fitted the new cheapo chinese FBH remote, lets see how long this one lasts

It’s a bit of a long story I’ve been isolating for 2 weeks because she had to have a big operation and had to isolate in the bedroom so been tinkering with the car weather permitting brought these seats thinking they would arrive Friday after I dropped her at hospital did the hell they came Thursday but my daughter thought they were the originals and told her don’t panic he av them cleaned and fixed an back in car before u home all good not she ad it done and I b pick her up today or tomorrow she be fine just got to give the new seats a good leather balm they be like new av a couple more weeks of work now to look after the old girl and pamper her and the missus
Got a message on the dash today never seen before, Luckily one not to worry about. Key fob battery low. How cool is that? is there no end to the messages in the brain of this beast.
Question is has anybody got any good ideas and i said good ideas of how to get into the back when the slot has been abused (no not by me) i gave it to the long haired colonel to get them changed a few years ago and some brute of a Russian repair man and i use that term loosely changed the battery. I knew this day would come.
Changing the batteries ( 2 of them ) in a P38 fob can be a challenge sometimes. Mine was as it was butchered to hell.
First thing i did was buy a key fob repair kit so i had a new rear cover and had 2 new batteries ready.
I read the handbook several times too so i knew how to do it. It only gives you about 1 min to change the batteries over and get the cover back on.
Before i did it i made sure the car was UNLOCKED and it started and then i switched off. I only had 1 key too!!!!!
About 30 seconds in my hands started shaking ( Arthritus ) and i went way over the 1 min time.
At first the fob would not do anything and i got the engine disabled message if i tried to start. Well ****ed off by now i had a brew and then went back to it. Locked and unlocked it via the key in the door method a few times and then tried to start and she did which was great and the battery low message was gone for good. Result but bloody headache of a job.
Bought myself a new toy! Clamp meter that does all sorts of wonderful things including connecting to my phone to record/graph data
Just need things to measure now!!!