First off, I'm not sure if this is the group for this, but please
don't flame me if it is not. Rather, please point me in the right
I have a '94 Izuzu Rodeo 4WD V6 with about 62000 miles on it.
Recently, at the end of a long (9 hr.) drive, I had to slam on the
brakes due to an accident on the highway. The brakes worked but it got
to the point that my tires (or brake pads, not sure which) were
smoking. Afterwards, my Rodeo has been making a rhythmic thumping
sound while driving it. It is linked to the speed, so I thought it was
the tires, but I can't find anything wrong with them. Is my alignment
off, is the suspension off? I don't know much about cars, so any help
would be appreciated.
don't flame me if it is not. Rather, please point me in the right
I have a '94 Izuzu Rodeo 4WD V6 with about 62000 miles on it.
Recently, at the end of a long (9 hr.) drive, I had to slam on the
brakes due to an accident on the highway. The brakes worked but it got
to the point that my tires (or brake pads, not sure which) were
smoking. Afterwards, my Rodeo has been making a rhythmic thumping
sound while driving it. It is linked to the speed, so I thought it was
the tires, but I can't find anything wrong with them. Is my alignment
off, is the suspension off? I don't know much about cars, so any help
would be appreciated.