What the hell. You cant be selling
Mate it just ain't the right car for me at the moment. I think. Maybe...
I'll only sell it if someone buys it won't I.
No space on drive to maintain it like it deserves. I've got stuff to do on house, I need the time and money for that. We plan on using the caravan every 3rd weekend. Family time, not keeping out of dads way while he skins his knuckles and swears a lot. You know yourself, you're always under a landy. They won't let you down but you need to constantly fettle.
It's not great for long distance, I'll be towing my caravan a lot next couple of years. It pulls it like it ain't there but I'm not experienced towing, be safer in something more forgiving to drive. Can concentrate on what the vans doing. The **** wipers and misty windows really are part of its charm, but when youre bollocking down the m6 on a rainy dark friday afternoon with a caravan on the back mixing it with the wagons and friday dìckheads it aint so funny. I can bear it as a lot of blokes can, but it's a bit much for the kids. They love it but they haven't gotta maintain and run it. It ain't fair on em doing 2hr journeys at motorway speeds for holidays. Theyre ok short distance but theyre not comfortable i can tell.
Can't see it losing to many vehicles in a crash but anything bigger than a van side on..? My kids are right against the doors....I know its a bit what if but you can't allow for other people.
I don't use it to its potential either. Not like you mate. I haven't even been laning in it, only done the courses at kelmarsh and p'boro this year.
It's great for the tip runs, taking dog out and kids with the bikes and what have ya. But it's a work vehicle at the end of the day. I use it like a fùckin eurobox.
It's awesome I do love it. But sometimes you've gotta let your head rule your heart
I tell ya what there's no more 'genuine reason for sale' than that
I'd replace it with an amarok. I like em, bit of character I think, good road presence and well built.
Or a 525d touring and a nice series running project

get my landy fix with no pressure.
I feel like I'm letting the side down but all the above is 2 months of agonizing and swinging from keeping it to selling it