Parisien; I shall be putting Lindt chocolate disc brakes in the stockings for Christmas, what a great idea.
Wammers; okay, it’s time to come clean… When this problem first occurred, it was suggested that I had a warped disc. I thought “why bugger about? Just replace everything, pads and discs all around”. So that’s what I did, using standard OEM parts.
The fault remained.
It was suggested here that I had been too heavy bedding the brakes in and that I had warped a disc by sitting on the brakes after a long, slow reduction in speed or just being too heavy footed. So I said “I’ve been a good boy I ‘ave, I took it really easy!”
But it was suggested that the market is flooded with cheap, recycled inferior brake discs and that I should get better quality discs…
So I bought at some extra cost “the drilled and slotted crap” from Terrafirma (vented & slotted at the front, slotted at the rear) and replaced once again all discs and pads. So when I drove away to the shops to buy the baked beans that was all I could afford to dine on for the rest of the month, imagine my surprise, when braking GENTLY towards the roundabout outside of Tesco’s, the return of the very vibration I had thought would be a thing of the past.
So I say again. Unless these discs are made of fudge or toffee or indeed chocolate, there might be another explanation!
Jamesmartin; thanks for reminding me. I don’t get any feedback through the brake pedal. Also, using the (auto) gears to decelerate doesn't produce the vibrations.