The Empirical Strikes Back.
Seeing as how I am posting on this thread I figured I had better do my bit and participate.
I did find that cheap Chinese wire ties aren't enough to hold the pole onto the ratchet. Added duct tape helps but still wasn't enough so
I resorted to 2 hose clamps. When you think of it the force on this joint is over 40 lb/ft so that requires a strong attachment.
I also found that my trolley jack needs at least an oil top-up.

Once I got the technical side sorted I ran the test a number of times using a 5kg weight on a 1.2m bar.
The times averaged 40-45 seconds so I am quite happy with that. The Hippo has 137,000km/85,000mi on the clock.
One factor I wonder about is the difference between the 4cyl VCU (TOR000010), and the V6 VCU (TOR000040)
Has a difference in OWUT times between the two models been noted? A slower travel perhaps due to more plates in the unit?