V8 power

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TMHM please do not try and lecture to me on the use of english, due to your interpretation. Verbal abuse does not achieve much, other than perhaps to make you feel good , and help you to deal with some personal problem, that you obviously have, illustrated by your uncalled for aggression. You will not provoke me to a similar reaction. I finish by wishing you well.

what verbal abuse? and what aggression.. talk about about being sensitive and over reacting. take a chill pill and admit yer dun wurded it badly
ooo! that not fer me to say.. but if yer PM me i could offer a few nasty names that would be tantamount to severe verbal abuse and down reet nasty rudness. Some might even be considered childish with their hidden meaning and sutlety, other might be of a more mature nature but both would be capable of upseting anyone with a inferiority complex.
As it seem the person in question has taken issue with your use of the name "daft pillock", (while i'm at it may i commend you on your inclusion of your own name in that phrase?.) it would seem you have more than enough skill at verbal abuse to upset them even thou they have tried to deny it by them bidding you well.
anyway its such a nice day i think i'll go outside and hit me back suspension with a big hammer

hope this helps
do yu mean the ubiquitous no1 self-adjusting universal removal tool? I also assume, maybe incorrectly, that you are referring to your Jaguar rear suspension and not to your own?
i have agressively put a 12tonne ram between the passive pin and the serene wheel arch. so far to no avail. i will leave it there for a while to think about the error of its ways before i say " right yer c**t " and attack it with angle grinder and drill. there by leaving me to either **** fook out of it on the bench or purr-chase another hub carrier complete with bearings and another pin.
I have a V8 90 it was originally on strombergs!!. They constantly stuck and never gave the V8 the power it should have.Get a weber four barrel from RPI (branded as edelbrock). The part throttle drivability is superb and it really shifts when you open it up.It also sounds fantastic. But dont let them sell you a mallory dual point distributor cos they are crap!!!!
It wasnt the'' pillock'' part that offended me it was the part that suggested I was related to another poster on this forum . :D
I dont think inferiority is the complex I suffer from ?
I am just a very sensitive soul as I am sure many other landrover owners are, :p
People like you shouldn't be driving a 'REAL MANS' V8!!!!!! Sensitive soul??? Oh man, get a fooking prius!!!

Sorry, only kidding, I couldn't resist. Lol