On the whole I don't disagree. Although some terrain and conditions require somewhat more thought. Engine braking is great because it is even across the front/rear axles and generally helps reduce wheel lockup/skidding. It is much harder to achieve this with manual braking, and on slippery surfaces you will be prone to locking the wheels up much easier.
This normally transcends into autos often running away down steep slopes a bit more and being a bit more butt clenching. Left foot braking works well in certain situations, such as a going up a steep climb that needs some throttle, but it crests over to a steep descent at the top. With engine braking you only need to lift off and you have it, if you have to move your foot off of one pedal and over to another then try and find the bite point, it takes time. Left foot braking and trail braking with your left foot and help in these situations.