Use of standard diff lock explanation for ignorant newbie?

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Refer to the 2 examples in my first post:).

Yes, I took in your good advice from your first two posts but my later queries were just looking into the benefits of a limited slip diff being fitted, for which I came to the conclusion that it was an unnecessary (and v expensive) upgrade, given my limited requirements. The later question I posed regarding the effect of jacking one wheel off the ground was not for info on how the limited slip diff would affect the ability to turn a road wheel by hand when jacked up, but what I would expect to happen simply if I engaged the standard diff lock with one wheel jacked up. I am a newbie to all ths, so I have to apologise for testing your patience. But I am trying to get my head around what happens when the basic diff lock is engaged, Apologies!
No problem:).

I was trying to get you think in reverse.

If you are not in diff lock then you could come to a standstill with just 1 wheel spinning.
If you are in diff lock you would need to have 1 wheel on each axle spinning before you are stuck;).

ok try this.

axles and transfer box are just T junctions with an open diff in the middle. So you have 3 legs normally driven by the center leg to the 2 outer legs (wheels)
If they are open (not locked solid) then if 2 are free to turn then you can turn. It doesn’t matter which of the 2 you turn.

Now lock the transfer box (solid connection now no diff). So you are not a T any more but it goes to the other T, but that T has both wheels on the ground;).

Draw it on a piece of paper it will make sense :). It will I promise:).

To answer your question yes you could turn 1 jacked up wheel with no tb diff lock in neutral, it may be stiff but possible.

To ask about LSD, I personally think LR should have fitted at least 1 in standard form at production.
Tyres can make a huge difference.
If I ever see any available cheap here they would be snapped up quick. But as you have already seen they are not cheap. Does your driving situation warrant the cost is the big question:).


I can hear pens and papers rustling all over :D:D.
All that happens when centre lock is in is both outputs to shafts turn at the same speed. The same situationas in a series landy in low box or yellow knob down in high ratio.
With the coil sprung landys that have contiuous drive to front and rear axles a open centre diff is needed on hard surface because when cornering the front wheels travel faster/further in the same way an axle diff allows the outer wheel in a turn rotate faster than the inner wheel.
Tyres are very important as those four little 'footprints' of rubber being able to grip the terrain are all that will keep you moving, no matter what is driving them.
4/6/8 WD or even tracks, it makes no difference ... no traction = no progress.
Is anyone going to dare mention "airing down"?;)
When it comes to ice studded tires or chains. Available today are "snow straps" which are just big plastic ties with lumps on them. Anyone tried them?

We carry chains and socks (for the 322) they are still in the original packing only been out 1 time to test fit, never needed to resort to using;).
Have to carry by law here but never been checked:rolleyes:.

We carry chains and socks (for the 322) they are still in the original packing only been out 1 time to test fit, never needed to resort to using;).
Have to carry by law here but never been checked:rolleyes:.

Much the same here, the last time had chains fitted they were on my series. In the few times we have had snow since the drifts have been so deep nothing was getting through.
Wasn't sure if this is a good example or if i should have placed in the joke fred

I've had the same message appear on one particular site, but I didn't use an ad-blocker in the first place & now can't clear/cancel it :confused:
Fortunately it's a site that I'm not bothered about using.
Has anyone used "tracgrabbers"? I saw someone on one of the Australian sites say they used them. I can't say I have seen them used, other than on youtube, but they look interesting for such a small carry.
Hmm don't like the idea of that. Don't get stuck in the first place!!
I can imagine something will break if you're spinning wheels and one of those blocks catches something solid