I've just had a bit of an exchange with a couple of people from Churchill over the phone. Up until now they've been very helpful, and I've been actually quite happy with the efforts that they've gone to to minimise my inconvenience so far. That's just ended.
I was expecting some pain when this all kicked off, after all: Insurance claims = Pain.
So after the engineer came out and offered the settlement for repairs, I called winston (on
Saturday) to see how long I'd have the hired tratter for, after they paid up. The bloke I spoke to was really helpful and said that we should expect to keep the hire car for as long as ours was off the road - we just get it collected when ours was repaired. I did explain that it would probably take about a week (giving myself some room to get the job done properly). I then went on to explain that a cheque was no good to me, as it could take 5-9 working days to reach me (their time estimate, not mine) then another week to clear, and I couldn't order any parts or start work until I had the money in my hand. So we arranged for a bacs payment to be made and he would confirm this by phone today.
Oh, and I also had a letter from winston to the effect that I had the hire car for as long as I needed.
Being the mildly impatient sod that I am, and after receiving a text from winston this morning to say a
cheque was on its way, I decided to call them.
I spoke to a bloke called Mohammed who was as unhelpful as they come - he told me that Mr Saturday was talking a load of balls: The cheque was on its way (which would take 3 days to cancel) and if I wanted BACs payment, that could only be made after the cheque was cancelled and that would also take up to 3 days.
He also told me that as soon as the cheque arrived, the claim was settled and the hire car would be withdrawn.
Anyway, I wasn't happy with that, so called back five minutes after and spoke to someone slightly more helpful, who stated the hire care would be with me 3-5 days after payment.
Obviously the two I spoke to this morning are unhappy with Mr Saturdays advice, so he's just called up to apologise for misleading me with incorrect information (oh FFS... really?) and has tried but failed to get those upstairs to issue a bacs payment today in the knowledge that the cheque will not be presented. So....
Mr Saturday is now making sure that the other two I spoke to this morning
don't cancel the cheque, as that could now take up to 5 working days to stop, then another 3-5 for a new BACs payment, and I'll bank the cheque ASAP after it arrives - hopefully this week.
He's also acknowledged that this has all been a bit of a cock up so is raising a complaint (against himself and the other team presumably?!) with the customer crevices department which
should mean (yeah right

) that the discourtesy car hire will be extended for a week
on top of what I'd normally get, by way of compensation. Hmm...
So in the space of a single morning, the surprisingly acceptable insurance claim experience has turned into the pain in the balls that I was expecting it to be in the first place!
Fortunately it's payday for me on thursday, so I can at least order some parts before any more fuquppery happens
Sorry for the rant chaps!