OK, so.... After being told again and again it was the sunroof and being told again and again.. It's not!!.
It's cured, no water ingress... I'd stayed with the car the other day at the garage and while I was waiting for the owner to come and debate the sunroof I noticed on the floor some little pieces of something with paint on them.
After picking up the bits the paint was the same colour as the RR... Weird I thought??
So the screen top trim was removed and I coud see the top of the screen. There was an exposed area where the sealer had been removed. I had put the bits I found on a cardboard box near the door and showed them to the owner, to his surprise... Then inspecting the screen top with him we found the seam sealer had been disturbed and exposed allowing water to seep in at a slow rate between the metal layers.
It's like putting a new gasket on a shïtty surface...
1st time it was the sunroof,
2nd time it was bad glue,
3rd time it was the sunroof
And finally it was disturbed and not prepared properly and as normal but just like the first time, fünking thrown on and pushed out of the door....
I didn't actually say thank you tbh.
I did apologize to the young lad for treating him the way I did.
What a joke, the owner said "you did have a right go at us as well"