transfer and axle leak advice please

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Well-Known Member
west Norfolk
had a weep behind handbrake tell tale so removed today:

yep it's leaking:

took back plate off and removed old seal:

trouble is I think the main/intermediate shaft that is staked may be leaking also?

can I remove the big alloy block easily or is it taking care if any preload?
I want to see if speedo gear is ok too you see?

what flavour box is mine?

I think output shaft face is salvageable with a bit of gentle scotch brite?

also had a weeping input seal on rear axle, I found it had original leather seal..
bits came out;

are 2 shins normally on inside of bearing face..are there usually two or more washers?
can I reuse flange or will putting give me more leaks against new seal?

so basically-looking at pics what advice would you give before I put back!
thanks everyone
speedo housing can just be pulled of and refitted best with spedo removed on refitting though ,remove sump plate and feel to ensure no end float exists and shim accordingly , you can pull out intermediate shaft some,then too and replace o ring
thanks James, when I say speedo housing I meant I wanted to pull the big ally block that the back plate bolts to? is this still easy enough to get off by just undoing the 6or7 nuts?
cheers boss... one more thing, are 2 preload shims about norm in rear diff? I haven't checked them with vernier but they have some light scoring
2 shims is the norm ,just ensure theres no free play and its not stiff to turn , flange will work but a new one would be better
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speedo housing removed:

gears look good:

speedo pickup;

found it may have been leaking here also as some numpty had put a long screw in speedo cable causing back plate to buckle up.. I soon flattened it with a mallet and have left it in my 12tonne press overnight
great, found 3 nuts on my diff case cross threaded.. what a numpty PO... grrrrrr
are studs generally easy to get out if the axle casing in situe?
Take a look at the parts book they appear to be the same as wheel studs ie splined studs tapped in from inside casing.
ps the plates are quite well stuck together so I haven't tried separating them, was gonna leave them joined but put a smear of grease on both sides?
seems fairly wet higher up i you sure its not seal leaking and oil running down

well spotted James :)
I have just fitted a new diff pinion flange, mud shield and oil seal and that's when I noticed oil weeping from diff casing nuts.

I guess it's good economy to refit all new studs in the diff while it's off :)
are Britpart stud kits ok? (6 long 4 short)

I fitted speedo housing with a thin smear of lithium grease behind plates and a new oring on intermediate shaft...slowly getting there!