Wow! Except for the presence of agricultural land, your county could be the
same as mine. A friend had her storage unit broken into, reported it to the
sheriff's office, and they told her, "It must have been one of your kids".
End of investigation. Case closed.
Yes, in most jurisdictions you would have to post "Private Property" all
around your land, if you didn't want it to be "abused" by trespassers. By
the absence of such signs, you may actually be giving them permission to use
it, and could be liable if they are injured! And you do have to be present
and take a more active role, if you want anything done. Note that "being
present" need not require your physical presence. Someone you hire, to
watch after your affairs in the county, will probably satisfy this
This is what happens when you try to bypass the sheriff and go to the County
Attorney (District Attorney in my county).
"Dear Mr. Horton,
"The District Attorney's Offices [sic] has received your letter and the
attached correspondence dated 04/06/06 and have spoken with the San Juan
Sheriff's Department in regards to this case upon receipt of your earlier
"Our agency would defer to the San Juan County Sheriff's Department in their
determination if this case needs to be investigated...
"The District Attorney's Office does not have the resources to circumvent
the County Sheriff in the investigation of this case, nor do we feel that
under these circumstances it would be appropriate to do so."
Even though the fellow I had complained about had committed an actual
statutory criminal offense, it wasn't bank robbery or murder, and no one was
interested in doing anything. A few years ago in the next county, the
sheriff and various family members were accused of selling methamphetamine.
That case was treated a little differently. When I was younger I contracted
to pick a field of corn by machine. It was very late in the season, and the
farmer had procrastinated, or been overwhelmed by unexpected demands on his
time. When I got there, half the corn was gone, picked by hand by some of
the farmer's neighbors! Everyone knew who had done it, and a police report
was filed, but no one did anything. I suppose that the farmer could have
sued, to recover the value of the corn, but the expense and time would have
made this essentially futile.
If you post "Private Property" signs, to conform with the legal requirements
of your state, then you will have a legal leg to stand on, to recover
compensation, for the damages that you say you have suffered. You will
still have to do most of the work yourself, and it is obvious from your
posts, that you don't want to do that. You want your local elected
officials, and by extension your other county tax payers, to do all your
work for you. A perfect example is the "vehicle abandoned in the path" that
you complained about. If you had followed proper procedure, you could have
had it towed, or it wouldn't have been parked there in the first place. You
are a typical absentee landowner, who wants people off his land, but who
isn't willing to pay for the privilege.
Maybe it's not fair, that 4x4 drivers compact your soil, and maybe it's not
fair, what you would have to pay to stop them, but that's the way it is.
"C. E. White" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
> "billy ray" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Did you speak to the Sheriff or a deputy?
> >
> > If your county Sheriff refuses to perform his duty what else have you
> done?
> > Have you spoken to the County Commissioners, or your local newspaper,
> radio,
> > and TV stations?
> What local TV station? Heck even the local radio stations aren't local.
> play canned content from god knows where (including Rush Limbaug). I know
> two County Commisioners personally. They are very symathetic.
> > Elected officials are loathe to see themselves on the news being accused
> of
> > malfeasance.
> >
> > Have you contacted the state police?
> Get real. A few years ago I had an apartment broken into. The guys stole
> TV, a VCR, ate all my cereal and frozen pizzas, took a bunch of blank
> checks, etc. I called the local police. A nice offer came, listened to my
> story, said it look like they forced the door, and gave me a police report
> (for my insurance company). A few days later I got a call from a check
> cashing place that asked about a check a guy was trying to cash (one of
> stolen checks). I told him they were stolen. The guy gave me the name of
> person trying to cash the check. I immediately called the police and gave
> them the information. With this solid lead, the case should have been
> solved -right? Bull****, the police did nothing. They aren't interested in
> petty theft. I took my insurance money, and made sure all the blank checks
> were stopped by the bank. Life goes on.
> > Why not just bypass the Sherriff and go directly to the County Attorney
> and
> > file charges. The prosecutor will issue the necessary warrants and the
> > Sherriff will have to answer to him if he refuses to serve them.
> Warrrants for who? Usually all I have are tracks in the field or trash on
> the ground. In the past when I've found a vehicle abandoned in the path
> (stuck, broken, whatever), I have called it in. I even had an office come
> look at one once. They told me to to call back if it wasn't moved in a
> couple of days (it was moved).
> > There is just too much in your story that defies common sense. I do not
> > know any farmer that ignores his crops for weeks or months at a time...
> and
> > never heard of it either...
> Well you don't know much. I am small time farmer (less than 400 acres) and
> work a full time job. During the growing season I do the usual checks for
> insect damage and weeds. However, between early September and the time my
> Soybeans actually get harveted, there is nothing to check. I don't own my
> own combine, I hire that out. So I don't have any neeed to check the
> soybeans between say Spetember 15 and early November. The combine operator
> was the one that allerted me to the damage. During the winter there is no
> reason to check the fields and I try to stay off the paths since I don't
> want to cut them up myself.
> > I've seen where people just dump trash rather than dispose of it
> > that is a relatively small number of people that should be considered
> white
> > (or yellow, or red, or brown, or black) trash not Jeepers....
> Good for the Jeepers.
> > I have a problem with smokers who dump ashtrays on the ground or just
> flick
> > their butts out the window as they drive through the park where I live.
> >
> > The guy stealing your firewood was probably one of your neighbors as
> > would be the ones to see it or hear it being cut.
> No, he was a stranger with out-of-state plates (Virginia).
> > The county road grader is probably required to clear road hazards and I
> find
> > it hard to believe that he ran his grader up into your woods to bury a
> > dishwasher...if anything he would just push it off the road or perhaps
> > thought he was doing you a favor by burying it (with a grader!)
> I did not say he buried it. He just pushed it across the road ditch on to
> property. I agree it need to be moved out of the road, but the state has
> crews with turcks that are capable of picking it up. Pushing it on to
> someone's property is bush league. My Father confronted the operator, and
> guess he thinks like you. He just said he needed to get it out of his way
> and it wasn't his problem.
> > If you have a logging road you should, at least, have it posted as
> > property and there is a great difference between installing a gate and
> just
> > hanging a chain or cable between trees at a height intended to snare
> > trespassers.
> So I have to post everything as "Private Property." And do you honestly
> think these people think it was Public Property? Do you think the sign is
> going to make any difference?
> > There would be no reason for a hunter to disconnect your electric fence,
> > even it retrieve a dog assuming it is properly and legally installed.
> More
> > likely it is some eco-weenie or PETA terrorist wannabe who thinks they
> > saving wildlife from being tortured..
> Are you dreaming this stuff up?
> > Perhaps you should invite a local 4x4 club onto your property. All the
> > clubs I an aware of take excellent care of any area that they are
> to
> > use.
> Not going to happen. I don't care how careful they are, they will damage
> land. Have you ever noticed the difference in how crops grow where an old
> path used to run and the rest of the field? Compaction of soil is a big
> problem.
> > Are you being singled out or do all your neighbors have the same
> The trash is a major problem in the area. And yes, other farmers in the
> have 4X4 drivers use their property without permission. The more isolated
> the field, the bigger the problem. It is rare for anyone to mis-behave on
> the property immeadiately surrounding our home. However, my more isolated
> land is routinely abused. Hunters and joy riders are the major problem in
> area.
> Ed