The much Lamented L322 ZF Gearboxes....

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Dyed-in-the-wool 100% RR Junkie
Full Member
Well 2013 is here, the Queen has had her Jubilee, we have seen some people run real fast, jump real far and shoot real good, so after all that, the year ends and a new one begins....

A bit like Range Rover Ownership - A fault gets fixed and another one begins....

The 2002-2005 L322 V8 was fitted with the ZF 5HP24 Electronicaly controlled Automatic Gearbox (Transmission to our over-waters members), this box is considered more robust than the GM unit fitted to Diesels of a similar year, but despite this, they do still have their problems....

Most common failure is the Roller Bearing between the B & C clutches falls apart shedding their rollers into the box, and this can lead to the O Ring failing between A & B Clutches:



(photos courtesy of RRPhil from

This in turn leads to a reduction in hydraulic pressure causing the A clutch to start slipping more than normal.

The ZF Box uses a 'continuous slip' mode of about 3% controlled by the Torque Convertor Lock Up Clutch (LUC) as ZF didn't fit a torsional damper to the TQ and as such uses a slipping method to dampen driveline vibrations....

Now, if A clutch starts slipping due to reduced hydraulic pressure, the LUC will work harder to prevent slipping beyond 3%.....this then prematurely wears the LUC friction material.....and the A clutch friction material.....all this material needs to go somewhere - you guessed it, into the Gearbox Oil......

The gritty oil clogs the filter and the poor oil pump struggles to generate the required hydraulic pressure to ensure a good clamping of the drive/brake clutches...and hence more clutch slipping and this again leads to more friction material in the oil....a nasty cycle ensues.....

For the GM Box, the problem is similar only it is not caused by the A & B O Ring....but I believe it is from the valve block valves letting by on the LUC causing excessive LUC slip, and trashing the box...(I could be wrong - but I haven't read up on the GM box - Don't have Diesel model).

Why are you telling us all this Ant - you may be asking yourself??

Well, my wonderful L322 has started a bit of a vibration/judder at between 25-30 and 45-50 or there when it gets warm, there is a harsh downshift from 2nd to 1st at times after stop/start traffic.....

I have just been to get a GB Filter, Sump Gasket, the required Filter O Ring and 7 litres of the required ATF (Draining the sump etc should give you around 6 litres or so of fluid as the other 4-4.5 litres is left in the Torque Convertor).

I will drain some fluid out at the weekend and see what the state of it is, replace the filter etc, refill with fresh fluid and whilst I am not in any way believing this will be a magic cure, it will give me an idication of the State of the Box and take a view on the next step....

In the interim, I have borrowed the Company Defender for a few days, as the last thing I want to do is drive it too much and feck up whatever is left of the box before I can take a goosey at the fluid....

Happy New Year to you all...2013 is shaping up to be a great year!:D


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what mileage is yours now saint?? just curious:)
mine failed totally at 93000 :(had recon fitted inc cooler etc and a motor on side of g/b:confused: still not happy was still very slightly harse so went back had another recon valve block fitted under guaruntee and that was totally us,back again another recon valve block and its still not smooth as silk so back again next week for another different not my own totall recon box and tq as they are not prepared to spend anymore time or money on my originall g/b. my honest oppinion is they are never right again once they have been to bits,sadly they are for a while then:( somethings not right moment again,so to sum it up im on 99000 now ,on my 3rd g/b change next week and 4th valve block not bad in 6000 miles you think plus a bank balalce £2150 lighter :eek::eek:ps saint hope it works out for you mate you might be one of the lucky ones;)
mine failed totally at 93000 :(had recon fitted inc cooler etc and a motor on side of g/b:confused: still not happy was still very slightly harse so went back had another recon valve block fitted under guaruntee and that was totally us,back again another recon valve block and its still not smooth as silk so back again next week for another different not my own totall recon box and tq as they are not prepared to spend anymore time or money on my originall g/b. my honest oppinion is they are never right again once they have been to bits,sadly they are for a while then:( somethings not right moment again,so to sum it up im on 99000 now ,on my 3rd g/b change next week and 4th valve block not bad in 6000 miles you think plus a bank balalce £2150 lighter :eek::eek:ps saint hope it works out for you mate you might be one of the lucky ones;)

Do you think its not been cleaned out properly thought that would have to be one of the most important factors .
mine on 130000 now no idea of its history but worried about it. is there anyway of knowing if its the original box? ive changed the oil cooler and pipes but really im less than hopefull.
what mileage is yours now saint?? just curious:)
Just turned 147k (bought at 136.5k in May)

About 50 miles more than the LR planned gearbox life:(
Certainly seems like it!!! Luckily I have a very understanding girlfriend.....

I'm surprised he didn't wait for the later one :( and I'm can't belive your not rubbing his nose in it maybe when he's fixed it :)
Whilst a later model would have been nice, funds wouldn't allow, but as they say buy the best you can but keep a pot back for repairs!! A later model would be in range but nada left for repairs, servicing, diagnostics etc.....

Ant's a good guy, give lots of help, he knows what I think about the L322, I just feel sorry for him:(:)
Cheers Keith, appreciate your kind words

I know have met him :)
Have we? refresh my brain!!!! (And if we have I am very sorry to not remember....used to go to the East Grinstead Rifle Club open shoots, that's about as much as I know of East Sussex....)

Many thanks for your replies, as soon as I drain the fluid at the weekend, I'll know more and feedback.....keep them fingers crossed....:eek:
I've read about this issue. Thee is a company t'other side of peaks who will fix the problem for somewhere around 2k, they claim they also do all the repair work for LR should you take your vehicle to your local dealer to fix any problems.

Found the linkage. Range Rover L322 ZF GM5 and Discovery Automatic Gearbox Transmission Reconditioning

If the worst is to be found, these are the guys I was considering to use....any one used them before?? Bit of a trek to Lancs, but hey I went to west yorks to get a wheel nut off remember!?!:eek:
Just turned 147k (bought at 136.5k in May)

Certainly seems like it!!! Luckily I have a very understanding girlfriend.....

Whilst a later model would have been nice, funds wouldn't allow, but as they say buy the best you can but keep a pot back for repairs!! A later model would be in range but nada left for repairs, servicing, diagnostics etc.....

Cheers Keith, appreciate your kind words

Have we? refresh my brain!!!! (And if we have I am very sorry to not remember....used to go to the East Grinstead Rifle Club open shoots, that's about as much as I know of East Sussex....)

Many thanks for your replies, as soon as I drain the fluid at the weekend, I'll know more and feedback.....keep them fingers crossed....:eek:
At a pub with clarky130 dopey arranged it dogsbody ect ect boy your getting old ;) you had your classic oh and James Blake and his bro sorry if I missed someone :) I was the good looking one :eek:

You had a nice p38 if I remember and you fell in love as I remember it,you drove past and saw it on a forecourt cheap couldn't belive it ! I've gone and done it i think the thread was , that's why I said I thought you would of got a later one :(

Ps Just call me elephant brain ;) never forgot that mint v8 p38 2002 tasty
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At a pub with clarky130 dopey arranged it dogsbody ect ect boy your getting old ;) you had your classic oh and James Blake and his bro sorry if I missed someone :) I was the good looking one :eek:

You had a nice p38 if I remember and you fell in love as I remember it,you drove past and saw it on a forecourt cheap couldn't belive it ! I've gone and done it i think the thread was , that's why I said I thought you would of got a later one :(

Ps Just call me elephant brain ;) never forgot that mint v8 p38 2002 tasty
D, that wasn't me.....!!!

M7 '88 Classic Rusted out back in 2002 - sold it to an enthusiast who now uses it on the trail competitions (hope it is still going strong).....

My '93 Classic was stolen and burnt out in January 2011....

My '99 DSE I got after a few months haggling with the insurance company about how much they were going to offer me for the Classic, I finally got that in Sept 2011, I then Part Ex'd it for the L322 at the end of May 2012.....and yes I did see it at a good price as I drove past the forecourt....

But I am afraid Mr Elephant Brain, whilst I was planning on meeting y'all with Dopey et al - there was umming and ahhing about which day, Sat or Sun, and I couldn't make the day that was choosen.....

Sorry D but it weren't me....:eek:
D, that wasn't me.....!!!

M7 '88 Classic Rusted out back in 2002 - sold it to an enthusiast who now uses it on the trail competitions (hope it is still going strong).....

My '93 Classic was stolen and burnt out in January 2011....

My '99 DSE I got after a few months haggling with the insurance company about how much they were going to offer me for the Classic, I finally got that in Sept 2011, I then Part Ex'd it for the L322 at the end of May 2012.....and yes I did see it at a good price as I drove past the forecourt....

But I am afraid Mr Elephant Brain, whilst I was planning on meeting y'all with Dopey et al - there was umming and ahhing about which day, Sat or Sun, and I couldn't make the day that was choosen.....

Sorry D but it weren't me....:eek:
sure you made it last minute short dark hair posh voice
sure you made it last minute short dark hair posh voice
OK brief description...

Built like a Rugby Player (who has let himself go a bit!!)
Short dark blonde/light brown hair
Blue/green eyes
Goatee Beard (mostly unshaven)
Talks Like Hugh Grant

A couple of pics attached to refresh the brain...

Also my DSE was a particularly odd colour....


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OK brief description...

Built like a Rugby Player (who has let himself go a bit!!)
Short dark blonde/light brown hair
Blue/green eyes
Goatee Beard (mostly unshaven)
Talks Like Hugh Grant

A couple of pics attached to refresh the brain...
lol embarrassment you right who the hell I must assumed it was you v8 classic :eek:
I'm sure one who was there will update me sorry saint to total miss match