Hello Stanleysteamer and Hellastony, many thanks for your comments and help. I've been shielding since March and trying to get this engine sorted has had many challenges!! I've been relying on a friend of mine who has a much better workshop than my outdoor gravel. The second time he took the head off he, and another mechanic friend of hes, spent quite some time with a straight edge trying to find any kind or warp or twist, but they found nothing. He also checked the block and found nothing wrong. The company which originally checked the head found a small amount of corrosion which it thought could have been the cause of the problem. This was welded up and they assured me that a very light skim would not damage the head. They did this and pressure tested it, found nothing wrong, and returned it.
I realise that LR say the head can't be skimmed at all but I was really in the hands of the head repair company. Unless the corrosion was repaired they said the head was no good, and that a weld and one skim would be fine. The head was no good without that so I asked them to go ahead.
When this failed to cure the engine the head was removed again, checked by my friend and no problems found. The head company were happy to pressure test it again but advised against a second skim. So I couldn't see much point in that route and asked for the head to be replaced with a genuine LR head gasket and head bolts in the hope that the first gasket (not genuine) was duff. But exhaust gasses are still being blown into the coolant.
I may be able to free up a suitable building later in the year and. if I can find a suitable replacement engine, would swap i myself. And then, as you say Stanleysteamer, I could look at the original engine without pressure. The first thing I would do is take the head to a different firm to check.
Since these problems another mechanic from a local garage has told me that he would never have an alloy head welded, thet distortion would be inevitable, but it was no good as it was so why not give it a go? And yet another local mechanic has said that he's come across the odd TD5 engine which always seems to have head gasket problems,no matter what's done to sort it. Who knows? I certainly don't.