Yes or no, does the new fuel pump run?
Switch IGN OFF
If yes, get a clean new FUEL filter. take off the present fuel filter. Is it full of fuel?
Tip this out into a clean bowl and see if it is full of crap. If it is ....
With the filter OFF, turn the IGN key ON for a second and see if fuel blasts out of the filter head. Next time put a bucket under it to catch the fuel spillage. This may wash out some crap by letting the pump spin up without needing to create pressures.
If the fuel from the old filter in the bowl is clean, fill the NEW fuel filter right to the top with clean kerosene (paraffin) or clean diesel and fit it to the filter head.
Open the driver's door. Put in the key. Listen for the pump running, Turn the key ON, and from now on LEAVE IT ON, but do NOT operate the starter. If you hear the pump running, wait till it stops, and with the IGN key still ON, deck the throttle pedal 5 times, which will start the pump running again. Let it run till it stops. Keep doing this until the pump should suddenly sound a lot less whiny / sloshy, then do it 4 or 5 times more just to be sure the system is well primed.
Now with the IGN STILL ON, deck the throttle pedal and hold it down - and turn the key to Starter. If there isn't any other problem it should start but as it's a diesel it might need 30 plus seconds with the starter running. If it does not start after this, "We have a problem, Houston".
Try that. After that a long tow might get it running. TD5 will tow start but it may take several miles! Use 3rd gear at about 25 mph.
turn then IGN key ON, and leave it on throughout what follows.