TD5 Defender 90 Speedo replace

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Well-Known Member
Got a faulty speedo on my lads 90 TD5. Speedo needle is sitting straight down at 6 o clock position. Taken the unit out and I can hear parts rattling inside.

Theres a few replacements on ebay, but my question is, can a straight swap be done ? Does the speedo unit hold any mileage information, or is that all contained in the ECU ? If I replace a like for like, will the existing mileage be shown, and no discrepency fault .....

If I replace the speedo, Im going to open the old one up and see if its a fixable fault.
I believe the information is stored in the speedo unit. I've still got my original speedo, but I've been through several ECUs and it doesntl change the odometer.
Replacement arrived. Looks like a tomorrow job...
New speedo fitted, but not working. Checked out the connections to the speedo with some back probes, and power OK to speedo. Back probed the speed sensor and intermittent voltage at plug. I removed the plug to find some corrosion internally. Cleaned out the pins with contact cleaner and a piece of thin wire, and everything working. I think I'm going to replace that sensor plug, so does anyone know what the generic name for this type of connector is ?