synergy 2

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D3 Grandad
Full Member
hiya guys

ive had my synergy 2 fitted a few months now and was wondering if i can pick some brains please.

mines the 2002 TD4 auto and occassionaly the gears seem to jump from a standstill, if i turn the synergy box off it doesnt do it at all.

was wondering what you have got your boxes set to please.

ive currently got mine on the switch set to red, which i belive is setting 1.

i still have the old bosch maf sensor and allowing the synergy box to control it.

done the usual mods, ie, egr bypass. bmw crankcase filter

as always huge thanks in advance

Synergy#s are great when first fitted but if mine which is an original tu3 is anything to go by are not very water/ atmosphere resistant. Mine after the 1sst 6 momths until i stopped using it needed the board cleaning monthly due to verdigri building up and shorting out contacts resulting in spluttering and under power. Mine has an original hand made adaptor connecting to to pressure sensor which is crap but on enquiring to re wire it and re flash it they can't find the original programme????????. my other problem with these units is the toll they take on warned if you have a marginal injector it will fail with one of these units installed else expect approx half the usual lifetime out of any good injector depending on the setting you use

thanks for the info i have got it between 1 or 2 and can easily control it by the dash board switch which ive put behind a blanking switch to stop it getting knocked and also keep it out of site.

ive also heard about these autologic tune ups but to be honest and through feed back i wont bother.

the synergy has defently made the freelander alot nippier if thats the right word to say for a 2 ton car.

was just curious of what people had theres set on and what there mpg was.

as always thanks again

another thought was regarding the MAF sensor.

currently got the maf switch on the box turned on, its still the old bosch type, if i turned if off would it make my fuel consumption worse or better.

because i havent got a large amount of technical knowledge i dont like to play around with it to much.

ive had a look on the rover ron web site but got a bit confused, sorry to be so dim about this.

but was wondering from personal experiance if anyone may be able to tell me please what the best settings are and if i should turn the maf sensor on or off on the box.

as it has got a MAF compensator is it worth buying a pierburgh one or just leave the bosch one in there and allow the box to compensate for it

also dont wish to cause any damage and i think im starting to get out of my depth here

once again sorry to be so dim on this subject but just trying to be very cautious and always prefer to ask if i dont know something

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I don't really understand what you mean by gears jump from standstill. I've got the older synergy 1 box & have never had any trouble with it. It does tend to hang on to the higher gears for longer especially sometimes going up a hill but a quick prod of the go pedal soon encourages it to shift down. I've got the box set to roverrons maximum recommended setting for the auto. Also run the separate mafam compensator with the original bosch maf. Really the best man for you to contact would be roverron himself as I'm sure he would be best able to help & advise you & anyone on here who's needed advice from him has found him very helpful.

its very difficult to explain about the gears,but i think youve described it of the gears holding on longer than normal or it may change gear heavily if that makes sense.

if i turn the synergy 2 off it doesnt do it at all

what setting have you got yours on please, i know you said max but there are red and black options.

may i ask how do you find your mpg please

thanks so much again

all the best

I've got the older synergy 1 which if memory serves me is set to position number 6. My gearbox is also jerkier & not as smooth at gear changes with the synergy & as I said earlier it hangs on to the higher gears for longer being less reluctant to change down but to be fair Roverron did say this would happen. It's not bad at all in any way, but the box does change more smoothly without the synergy connected. As for mpg, I don't remember exactly what the figures were but the egr bypass improved it by about 1mpg & the synergy box improved it by about a further 2 mpg roughly. These figures were only if you drove the car exactly the same way as before fitting the unit, if I use the extra performance which I definitely do, then it uses a lot more fuel.