the software is all on the plug in dongle, u just need to register urself , as per instructions ,
the Autel AP200 is very basic , the gap iid is very advanced with doing virtually everything ur ever need , plus seeing many garages will charge roughly £100 per visits to plug in there’s will save u a lot of money
this is the cheapest I’ve seen the gap iid , around £420 , plus the after service from gap iid are second to none, they are based in Canada but will reply via email normally within 24 hours, superb company and very helpful
there’s quite a few who have the gap iid including myself
if u do decide to go to a garage or want advice there mickey who has an excellent reputation on land rovers , might be worth a phone call as he so helpful and also very knowledgeable
hope this helps a little
MMP Land Rover
Dundee DD2 3TN
01382 690500