Superb half-day out Greenlaning.

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Will see if i can get tyres sorted by then....

Will be working in Sitt Paper Mill for 14 days fron 2/1/07 doing assesments for NVQ's so the lads can get a qualification before they are made redundent, yeah i dunno why either, but its money.......

Not sure of hours yet a dealing with shift workers, so have to combine the truck and the Mill so may mean working over the weekend, fingers crossed all goes OK for a trip...
it seems to me that it's you three missing the point of the forum. yes its a landrover forum, yes we are mostly all landrover owners/enthusiasts, but if you had read some posts on the site before joining, which i assume you did, you would have noticed there is a lot of banter on the site. it all starts out as good light hearted banter, but then people that dont get it start responding by calling others "jerkoff" and then when they receive abuse in return set out on a world crusade to point out how childish and naughty everyone is. no chris i am not going to tell you or donk or codbasher "if yer dont like it fook off" that would lower me to the level of ignorance it needs to respond by calling someone a "jerkoff". what i am going to do is explain a few simple things. firstly i would ask if any of you have ever been a member of a local off road or landrover club. if so you would have noticed that when you go to a meeting they dont just sit there talking about landrovers, they actually have a laugh and take the **** out of each other.strangely enough that is what the admin team of landyzone are trying to create on this forum. if you dont get the jokes and the ribbing there is no point in getting wound up and abusing people as all you will receive is even more ribbing.then the more you get wound up the more ribbing you receive. if you are the sort of people that just wants to talk about landrovers and off roding and nothing else then this isnt the forum for you. i can suggest a few forums that are like that but to be honest, i cant be bothered.tthere are a lot of serious posts on this forum where a lot of problems are solved and a lot of information and knowledge can be gained. there are also a lot of posts on this forum that are just complete bollocks and general chit chat and **** taking. As for the big question " would you be the same face to face" the answer is yes. i personally have met quite a few members off this forum and i have spoken to a lot more on the phone and yes i took the **** exactly the same as i do on the forum and strangely enough they did the same to me.this forum is a community of like minded individuals that enjoy nothing more than a good laugh. if your life is so busy that you havent got time for a bit of light hearted banter then this obviously isnt the forum for you. if on the other hand you dont get the banter and assume that they are personally setting out to have a gio at you may i suggest you step back a little and reassess you life as you are either hitting a zero on the self confidence scale or doing that many drugs that you are living in a state of constant paranoia.i really think you all need to relax a little and just enjoy the site for what it is inatead of coming on here and trying to make it what you want it to be. i can assure you it was lke this over a year ago when i joined and seen as it hasnt changed since i really cant see it changing in the future. just remember, not every landrover forum will suit ever landrover owner, but there are enough forums out there to suit. personally, i don like mud club as i think its a bit too off road based. i dont like LRO as its a bit too pompous, but then on the other hand i dont like orrp as i think its a bit too abusive. but instead of going on there with a stiff upper lip and saying "look here you lot" i just dont go on there. no matter how i dress it up and no matter what i say there really is only one bottom line. if you dont like the site, dont use it. ;)
Sorry its had to come to this......


I dont mind **** taking, banter, wind ups etc, my gripe is that a post was put on here that did not look like a **** take, if the guy had PM'd me and said it was a wind up, no probs, as a newbie I tread carefully, having to explain that we did follow the rules etc, just so that others dont think we are mad, full on, off roaders who dont give a toss about others, or the Countryside we live in....

I had never met Nigel or Dave before, I was nervous at meeting them, glad to say we all got on, they explained things to me, took the time and trouble to find routes that were scenic, fun and good for a 32 year old series, if everyone on this forum is like those two then great....

On this note to me the matter is closed, I will continue on here, I will continue to go greening with Nigel and Dave, and anyone else who cares to take the time to join in...

Would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year (even Grunt) and hope that from the 1st the air is clear.....;)
Sorry its had to come to this......


I dont mind **** taking, banter, wind ups etc, my gripe is that a post was put on here that did not look like a **** take, if the guy had PM'd me and said it was a wind up, no probs, as a newbie I tread carefully, having to explain that we did follow the rules etc, just so that others dont think we are mad, full on, off roaders who dont give a toss about others, or the Countryside we live in....

I had never met Nigel or Dave before, I was nervous at meeting them, glad to say we all got on, they explained things to me, took the time and trouble to find routes that were scenic, fun and good for a 32 year old series, if everyone on this forum is like those two then great....

On this note to me the matter is closed, I will continue on here, I will continue to go greening with Nigel and Dave, and anyone else who cares to take the time to join in...

Would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year (even Grunt) and hope that from the 1st the air is clear.....;)

Happy new year mate...Looks like the weather is gonna be a bit pooey this weekend which means that next weekend is gonna be lovely up on the downs...Hope you can make it my friend..With regards to this forum, I have PMd Accy about all this crapp on here...I will try and send you the reply i got which i must say was quite encouraging...Speak to you soon...
Looks like the weather is gonna be a bit pooey this weekend which means that next weekend is gonna be lovely up on the downs...

Erm! not goin to be much "fun" for families out for a stroll wi the kids or fer the folks that use peddly bikes Or even for the Red sock brigade that love nothing more than phoning up the local council, national park ect. to complain about those nasty brutes in land Rovers that have turned their favorite stroll in the country into an unusable, foot deep **** hole.

Like Grunt says No ones blaming you personally, no ones suggestin you dont try to be responsible and conciderate. But if you do manage to get hold of a copy of the Greenway Code....READ IT! Cos you certainly aint helpin the cause

A Guide to Green Lanes, Byways and UCRs for Trail Riders and 4x4s in England and Wales

You know where the IGNORE button is :rolleyes:
taken from mondo's link:

•Mud: whether this is environmental damage is questionable but there is plenty of it where walkers, cattle, cyclists or horses go, not just vehicles. Where it becomes ‘damage’ is the point at which any metalling (many green lanes have a stone ‘surface’ hidden below the grass or earth) is disturbed. Another test is whether it will grow over if left for a few weeks.

from your pics donk i would say that the quagmire in question would not "grow over if left for a few weeks".

especially if you keep driving it every weekend.

now will you lot exchange emails and get on MSN so we can have the greenlaning section back and maybe i will get someone to join me on my gloustershire adventures :) whic may i remind viewers, i do not drive every week.

taken from mondo's link:

•Mud: whether this is environmental damage is questionable but there is plenty of it where walkers, cattle, cyclists or horses go, not just vehicles. Where it becomes ‘damage’ is the point at which any metalling (many green lanes have a stone ‘surface’ hidden below the grass or earth) is disturbed. Another test is whether it will grow over if left for a few weeks.

from your pics donk i would say that the quagmire in question would not "grow over if left for a few weeks".

especially if you keep driving it every weekend.

now will you lot exchange emails and get on MSN so we can have the greenlaning section back and maybe i will get someone to join me on my gloustershire adventures :) whic may i remind viewers, i do not drive every week.


Just thought i,d point out that i had,nt been down the afore mentioned quagmire for about 6 months coz of the tree that is down(Back of picture) on right of my Disco...
I,ve applied to the local council for permission to take a chain saw out and clear the byway/offending tree and have heard nothing back from them...Must chase that up...I thought as i had,nt heard from them that they themselves must have cleared it so i went up there and ran straight into this quagmire ...Had to go through it to turn round...
I also use different lanes if i go on a weekly basis which i might add is never...once or twice in a two month period...This excursion was the first one in 3 months and that particular route the first in 6 months, so i think thats fairly responsible eh?? When we go out again next week(IF) then i shall be going on a different set of lanes again as we have many in a 50 mile radius to us...:cool:
wow u guys didnt half go through mud, if thats what green laning's like i dont think my tyres are any good in that mud, be spinning faster than me circular saw

We had a great laugh mate...That was just a bog that we came across by a fallen tree...Its got that bad coz its half way down a very narrow Byway and you have to go through this bog to turn round or, reverse for miles...So with the turning round its got somewhat muddy and swampy...
And no you would not get through it without some Mods to your motor mate..
Codbasher had four or five attempts and then got a puncture..He got 10 out of 10 for trying though...
And i had to wade in to attach tow strop and then


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Ere Nige.........

If you get the go ahead to remove the tree, let me know, and I will join you with my chain saw, can fill in those ruts with the branches as well, could make a day of it then.....

Dave, you had a look at Blue Bell Hill yet???