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New Member
Lytham, Lancashire
Hi, my original sunroof, as like so many others, was rusted to bits. I have resorted to duct tape around the outside and making a frame for the glass seal to sit on (the original had rusted off). But, been one of those people ,it annoyed me that it did not work and managed to get a complete assembly from a scrapyard in Scotland. The replacement was rust free ? but the plastic sliding bits were knackered. I have since bought a kit and all slides freely after a lot of sanding.
However it does not matter where I set the runners with the cog, they don't seem to close properly, but open fine.
My question is, is there any diagram, picture, advice or similar showing where the runner teeth/sliding bits should be set to enable the sunroof to open and close in the correct start position. I might add that when I set all of the bits in the fully closed position with the glass on ,it opens fine but on the return stops a few inches short so the roof will not close. I have looked on the forum and internet but no joy. Thanks
Have a look at RAVE. I would have thought that the instructions for setting it up correctly are in there.

I did my son's one last year. Definitely a pain to align properly, but with patience & lots of careful measurement you will get there.

Do it with the complete assembly on a bench or table, and get the slides moving from fully open to fully closed before fitting the glass frame to the slides.
Align the mark on the slider to the cog centre point.

See photo.

Also to elecrically align the positions. After fitting, drop motor, manually wind until fully tilted, then operate switch until motor stops. Install motor.

So one press and hold will tilt then stop, another press will slide the roof.