Suggestions please - what do i do next?

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New Member
St Helens, Merseyside
My series 3 is used purely as a toy. After a while its sat outside my house for weeks without moving and I start to think I should sell it and buy something I can use daily with a bit less pain! One quick blast offroad and I am convinced, it has to stay!

Now I have decided im keeping good old xuxy I was hoping someone could suggest what I should do to the old boy next! The brakes are buggered but hopefuly I will sort that sunday with new shoes, cylinder repair kits and a replacement adjuster. My gearbox isnt great, jumps out of 2nd and leaks like mad but im used to that and have access to free ep90 from work! :) I am thinking of parabolics? Anyone done it and did it make a big difference? Anyone bought the very cheap parabolics and found them to be crap or is parabolic parabolic if you know what i mean?

He already has a snorkle, can anyone suggest anything else that would improve looks and of course offroadability? (did I just invent a new word?) I fancy a rag top by next summer! I have also been offered a V8 for the right money but it seems the kit to fit it is like 3 times the price of the engine. Anyone got a kit to sell?? :D

Any ideas would be gratefuly received!

Cheers folks,

dear xuxy
how come y'awl is askin about parbolics when in another of yer actual posts you already have them? and why would you want to put satelite dishes on a landy?
I assume your refering to my post about insurance? I didnt say I had them, just that I checked before getting insurance that these things werent going to hike the price up too much. I havent got the rear seats yet either.

As for satelite dishes? You lost me!
yer right it don't say you have them but the way it writed is misleading. i bet 95.865% of peeps that read it thought you had them. as for the sat dishes ..well yule jist have to think about it abit longer.. i'm sure marcus could help you out, he's got a degree in bollockology
Hey Slob, if that's my 'ology I learned it from attending your lectures!

XUXY, if you did sell it I bet you'd end up missing it & buying another. I'm interested in any feedback on parabolics too as it was something I was considering. As for improving a III's looks, can you?

There are loads of bits & pieces out there from stainless grills, rock sliders & spot/driving lights to chequer plate doo dahs, brush bars & roof racks.

I'm wondering about a rag top for next summer also, but wondering whether when it comes to it I can be fagged to take the hard top off!

I'd say get to a couple of shows or find a local club & see what other people have done to thier Landies & what they find to be the worthwhile buys & what you like the look of. If I had deeper pockets I could've spent a fortune already on bits I've seen on other peoples vehicles!

Rather than just buy everything I fancy now I've written a wish list & things get added or crossed off as I fancy or go off things. Eventually it'll end up my definitive list for my ultimate Landy & by then I might have the money to get it all.

Just my take on things! Hope it's of some use?

if it was my landy i'd be sorting out the leaks and dodgey gearbox before i worried about tarting it up. even if i had the world's nay universe's supply of ep 90 i wouldn't want to be leaving a oil slick everwhere i went. have you thought of some furry dice and maybe some of them there lights that make yer car look like its floating?? or what about a star war mural on the side?
So, Slob, just exactly WHEN are you going to sort out your leaks & dodgy gearbox...............? & by the way, "tarting" it up doesn't involve putting a tart in it. Sadly, I like my III to look nice as well as being up to the job (PAH! B*ll**kology...........I'm so going to drink you under the table next time I can bear to face the French!)

i'll have you know my gearbox don't got no leaks...its just that the bodywork is still in a big pile at the back of ma workshop. come to think of it most of it is still in a big pile or rather several piles... if only ma jag would go for a few weeks without needing something done to it i might find the time to glue somemore bits back on to the chassis of me landy.