Strata Florida

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Well-Known Member
Thames Valley
Only ever been once, about 4 years ago, and it's a long track with a varied terrain of rock, mud, water, holes and great views. The track is well defined and not really damageable and the only tracks off piste were from vehicles used in the timber industry. So all in all an interesting route suitable for most standard vehicles and showing no damage to surrounding area.
Just watched a video posted the last couple of days and it is now f****d in many places by the tossers with jacked up pieces of s**t and no driving skill. Ironically many of the areas which are damaged are avoiding the "tricky" bits these "off roaders" with 4" lifts should easily "conquer".
So, any people on here who fit in the criteria above, you are a bunch of tossers and don't start moaning when it has a permanent closer on it.
There are plenty of nice places round there that are waiting to be destroyed by them. A few places get a reputation of been hard & they are then over driven.

It’s getting harder to have a nice day out & chat with the landowners
I’d like to do Strata Florida but this is one of the reasons I haven’t. I’m amazed by the number of posts on social media of people who either go there alone and get stuck or flood their vehicles on a river crossing or groups who drive off-piste.
I’d like to do Strata Florida but this is one of the reasons I haven’t. I’m amazed by the number of posts on social media of people who either go there alone and get stuck or flood their vehicles on a river crossing or groups who drive off-piste.
It’s like the e idiots on sailsbuty plain.
There is always someone looking for a tow out as they are in a water hole by themselves.

Drove lots of Welsh lanes in the early 90s.
Think this was the best time. No traffic & no idiots.
Ive done strata maybe 3 - 4 times over the years. Most recently in early Nov, I was shocked at how much damage there was to the surrounding areas, clearly from off piste damage.

I went in a standard 90, on 31" muds, water was around headlight depth or just below. Never struggled, its not an extremely difficult track!

I've had the argument on Facebook with the yobs in jacked up D2s and the simply dont care. Just reply with "calm down its only a bit of water" When driving down a stream!

Unfortunately because of social media it will only get worse until its closed. In my view they should make it a permissive byway with access requested from the council, so everyone can continue to enjoy it.

Or just ban D2 and Jimny owners 😂😂😂
I’ve just watched the entire video instead of the housework I should be doing!😁.

The group that were laning together looked well prepared but I’d say the weather with those swollen river crossings were still too dangerous. As for the two in those buggy things, they were lucky it wasn’t a fatality. And the damage from off piste driving looks like it could easily threaten the future of Strata Florida as you say.😡😡
Will watch more later…

What do they expect,flowing water and a motor that’s flat like a boat.(my old buggy racer was the same design, it was like a sledge down hill)
We have been up there where we are long roped between each motor. This stops people having to get out in fast flowing water after a breakdown.
I’ve just watched the entire video instead of the housework I should be doing!😁.

The group that were laning together looked well prepared but I’d say the weather with those swollen river crossings were still too dangerous. As for the two in those buggy things, they were lucky it wasn’t a fatality. And the damage from off piste driving looks like it could easily threaten the future of Strata Florida as you say.😡😡
Agree totally.
I have never replied to a YouTube video before but have done this time. I am not the only one who has advised to remove it and suggest no group should have been driving it. If the Can-ams (or whatever they were) were on their own that bloke could have died easily, stupid.
I’d like to do Strata Florida but this is one of the reasons I haven’t. I’m amazed by the number of posts on social media of people who either go there alone and get stuck or flood their vehicles on a river crossing or groups who drive off-piste.
Maybe we could meet up and go next year sometime, long way for me though.
My greenlane trips would be classed as the most boring trips ever on FB I imagine. I have no interest in challenging myself or the Land Rover, especially near a tree!
It really is annoying, whenever I see a post of a bmw with “swap for a d2 must be off-road ready”, it makes me want to scream, and most of them will green lane for a few months, cause loads of damage to the tracks not be bothered to maintain there cars so they break. And then go back to being a bmw ****er🤣

Watch from about 22 mins for some interesting footage which also raises the question about rescueing people off track, this time in the literal sense.
Although this time they were off track by accident.

Why the hell are they trying to pull it sideways, it would have came out the way it went in. Bloody dum dums all standing around
the winch wire if that let go well they wouldnt be at work on Monday. Oh lets go out after a storm which has claimed lives wrecked thousands of homes by flooding :rolleyes: Then theres the chap trying to get out his buggy oh wait a min I'll get my phone
out & video him instead of going to help the poor chap. Pratts. Oh yer jeans n trainers yer that works 🤣
Why the hell are they trying to pull it sideways, it would have came out the way it went in. Bloody dum dums all standing around
the winch wire if that let go well they wouldnt be at work on Monday. Oh lets go out after a storm which has claimed lives wrecked thousands of homes by flooding :rolleyes: Then theres the chap trying to get out his buggy oh wait a min I'll get my phone
out & video him instead of going to help the poor chap. Pratts. Oh yer jeans n trainers yer that works 🤣
Agreed, bunch of clowns with absolutely no idea of how to perform a recovery, safely or not.
Agreed, bunch of clowns with absolutely no idea of how to perform a recovery, safely or not.
The only option to recover with a straightish pull would be to park in the river. Either way it's dangerous and a offence to drive off the byway without permission. Of course they did the right thing to help rescue the man but that is where the obligation ends.
The whole point of green laning is to drive, not too see how stuck you can get and how much mess you can make recovering yourself or someone else.
Why do people take their foot off the gas right at the crucial moment, just before they clear a difficult bit?????
The only option to recover with a straightish pull would be to park in the river. Either way it's dangerous and a offence to drive off the byway without permission. Of course they did the right thing to help rescue the man but that is where the obligation ends.
Forget the driving licence.. that water was that deep you needed a fishing licence…

Bet the local farmer was not happy about repairing the fence
The only option to recover with a straightish pull would be to park in the river. Either way it's dangerous and a offence to drive off the byway without permission. Of course they did the right thing to help rescue the man but that is where the obligation ends.

If you watch through the vid you'll see landys parked further up stream, they were in a much better position to pull from
even it they used a snatch block & pulled from the other motor. At least no one was injured. :) :)