Stolen landrover. Doncaster area!!

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went to have a look at it yesterday. No roof. Window. Doors. Wheels. Mudflaps. Seats. Speedo. Washer bottle. Bonnet. Lights. Battery. Mirrors. I hope whoever has done this is reading this, ill find you its only a matter of time and ive got loads of that! God help you! Scum!

I'd be turning my attentions to Donny defenders sounds like the sort of thing several of their members are well known for. They tend to thrash teir motors at Tong and Korc and have them fixed and good as new within a couple of days but are very cagey about wher they got the parts from. Those that know them reckon it strange how quickly a local landy gets nicked and stripped of the exact same parts that were wrecked on their landies.
any idea of any names? Locations? Or where i can find em

Doncaster Defenders Landrover Club there is another landy club in Doncaster think it's Doncaster Landrover Club not the same club and they hate each other with a vengeance. Might be worth having a chat with them. pretty sure they both have their own websites.
Hi disco2shaun, did the police say just the wheels were gone. Dont mean to arrise suspision but does the recovery company sell parts? Only reason i ask fella is that i had a car stolen in 2003, cut the long story short the bastard had my car in his yard for 2 days before reporting it to the police. He stripped and tried to sell the lot but we caught him out. (NICKED) Oh and ask for the police report it should say what was missing off the vehicle.
Hi, the recovery company took a picture of the landy before it was put on the truck. it was in a wood between 2 trees. ive had a long hard think about the landy and it was my pride and joy and dont want to just throw the towl in and give up on it. there only parts that are missing and i know it sounds daft but they havnt trashed the rest of it. no panels have been bashed or damaged, just most of them are missing lol. what would i have to do to get it back off the insurance to start a full rebuild? also would it have to go on a Q plate?. any help would be much appreciated. i just loved this car and with a lot of hard work and sleepless nights i reckon i could get it back on the road in a few months.
Hi, the recovery company took a picture of the landy before it was put on the truck. it was in a wood between 2 trees. ive had a long hard think about the landy and it was my pride and joy and dont want to just throw the towl in and give up on it. there only parts that are missing and i know it sounds daft but they havnt trashed the rest of it. no panels have been bashed or damaged, just most of them are missing lol. what would i have to do to get it back off the insurance to start a full rebuild? also would it have to go on a Q plate?. any help would be much appreciated. i just loved this car and with a lot of hard work and sleepless nights i reckon i could get it back on the road in a few months.

firstly the car is yours and not the insurance companies and they have no right to ownership of the vehicle. you might have to argue with them over this but that is basically the law and they can't change that.
poor landy


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Mine was recovered after 2 weeks. It was written off as a class D (uneconomical to repair) as it had been repainted badly, plus other minor bits n pieces. My insurance were slow but gave me a very good valuation and let me buy it back as salvage for 20% of the value. It doesn't have a Q plate. I would think yours would do similar.
Th insurance also paid the recovery fees and all storage fees. It was in the Police compound for 1 month @£20 a day!!(Thats how slow they were)And they delivered it back to me on a truck.
Sorry they have destroyed your Landy so badly. I hope they are caught.
What a surprise all the parts you'd need if you'd just rolled your landy. I'd get on to Tong and Korc and see if anyone rolled 1 in the last couple of weeks. Also have a trawl around a few other forums and see if anyone has rolled theirs recently.
thats exactly what i was thinking redhand, they have stripped the parts they need first quckly if u look the other bits nicked more offroad accecories aswell talking bout wheels and spare, watch out for the ifor top coming up for sale,
go to a group meet ? if you can in a different vehicle,

you say it was in a wood? any places near by were they could of stripped it, then dumped it in the wood or was it stripped in the woods?, if so look around for evidence of this happing before? or being used to store vehicles. find the exact point it was dumped then work out how it got there, is it a logical route from yours, or did it come from somewhere else then there, if so work out whats on route, farm buildings? use google earth to see roughly then do abit of investigating on foot, five miles from yours aint a big area there local remember that, who owns the wood, does the man who sold it to you have any links with the club red hand mentioned, how did the police find out about it, was it reported by a member of the public? was it you that left it muddy or was it driven into the woods? taken around farm tracks ? used back lanes and byways if not roads and only a few days ago evendence is still gonna be there the longer you wait the less evidence left
find the members of this group and cause a stir do ya research, do what ever it takes be persistent be annoying,

hope you get it back
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South yorkshire, nottinghamshire and derbyshire police are having a massive crackdown , i am currently living in maltby near rotherham southyorkshire and was pulled by the derbyshire police (funny i know) in a tesco carpark and thoroughly checked for identity, these guys really knew what they was doing with all the kit on board, luckly my disco was all ok, lets hope they carry it on a retrieve all our pride and joys stolen by theives, me and my company see many landrover day in day out and will definatly keep an eye out for your landrover.
If I had some spare time I would build up a profile of all the big LR parts sellers and pay them all a visit to find out which ones stories don't quite add up.

I just ran a few searches off the top of my head for Defender parts and some people have the strangest collection of stuff for sale. Like someone will sell a speedo consol, and have another say 10 or 11 random parts, it doesn't suggest they have the whole vehicle to stip, it doesn't suggest they have been doing some upgrades, like if I was selling a 2.5NA you would assume I had done an engine change. They have totaly random bits.
Right quick update. Due to me a bit senile and stoopid. Tis Doncaster Landrover club that's got a the reputation for been landy thieves NOT as I stated earlier Doncaster Defenders. My apologies to Donny Defenders.

I knew it was one of em but got em mixed up. :doh: