Sticking vent seals down

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Well-Known Member
Can anyone suggest anything that would be suitable to stick the bulkhead vent seals down?

I tried tiger seal, but it won't stick to the rubber.

Thanks for any suggestions.
I would go for contact adhesive first or alternatively Sikaflex. I always get in a mess with Sikaflex though - bugger to get off your hands. I used contact adhesive for windscreen to roof seal and it worked well. I chose to use the foam backed seal for the vents (goes on reverse of vent). I know many bulkheads seem it have rotted out where moisture gets trapped behind the seal where as it drains out easier once moving with the later type seals. Just my preference, although I do like the original look of the Series vent seals
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I fitted some new ones about 12 months ago...I used bog std black silicon applied with an applicator as chips.

Fill in and gaps...clamp the vents closed for 24 hrs to let it cure.
RTV silicone works very Nickjaxe said clamp down with vents for as long as possible (at least 24hrs) to cure properly - also worth putting seals in a polythene bag and then putting the bag in hot water to soften the rubber without getting it wet - makes them a hell of a lot easier to fit.

If the rubber seals are new and coated with a white powdery dust then you will need to
wash this off first and allow to properly dry before attempting to fit
...but avoid using silicone if you want to paint the bulkhead. When mine went in for its respray the bodyshop were VERY concerned that I had used some silicone in the window extrusions. It can cause 'fish eyes' on the paint when sprayed. As a result of their concern they used a water based primer under the two pack top coat.
I used Sikafix on my door window channels the chemicals in it have attacked the paint around the edges of door tops now bare alloy.
Thanks for the replies.

Where can you buy the old style seals? All I could get were defender seals, and these don't quite fit right.
Thanks for the replies.

Mine is a very early series 3. It was fitted with 2A seals when I got it. I will probably go back to these.
Are the foam type seals supplied with adhesive backing? I'm sure I have seen them like that before. That would make the job much easier.
Mine are stuck to the underneath of the vent flap. Allows rain water to run round and out of the recess. To look at it looks like there isn't a seal at all, especially when open.
Thanks for the replies.

What is the part number for these self-adhesive foam seals?

Fitting them to the flap sounds like the way to go, with nowhere for water to get trapped.