starting from scratch

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LZIR Despatch Agent
Hi guys, may I say thanks for having me!
Now Ive got my foot in the door Im gonna be a little bit cheeky and ask for a few bits of advice.
Im looking to get into greenlaning and pay and play, but dont currently own a landrover/fourbie.
i would like to buy on and modify it for off roading.
This is where the advice comes in. I have experience of driving series 3, 110's and disco's.
What would the advice be for buying a used landrover for off roading?
I really like the 110 and Disco's capabilites off road but not so much the series(sorry!). the Discos are better on road but the 110/90 lend themselves to modding better so what is recomended.
What are the key mods to make?
I know tires are very important but what is recommended?run two sets of wheels?
I know im asking alot for a newbie!
Owdo & welcome to the house of fun

av a look down in the greenlanin section - ther's plenty of info down there

got a 2001 TD5 disco meself (tooo nice for off roading) so I'm looking out for a 90/110/defender for a winter project to have ready for some fun next year - like you say more scope for modifications, although a 300tdi disco would be just as capable