I have noticed a slight bubble of rust about 2 cm in width right below the windscreen (just below the bulkhead seal). Its not come through and mad e a hole it is just a bubble. Had anyone rapaired that section and any advice on doing so? I have seen alot of people saying "new bulkhead time" but it would be pointless to replace a bulkhead which is perfectly good elsewhere. Just want to make sure that patch doesn't spread too much.
I have noticed a slight bubble of rust about 2 cm in width right below the windscreen (just below the bulkhead seal). Its not come through and mad e a hole it is just a bubble. Had anyone rapaired that section and any advice on doing so? I have seen alot of people saying "new bulkhead time" but it would be pointless to replace a bulkhead which is perfectly good elsewhere. Just want to make sure that patch doesn't spread too much.