Right once ive found a replacement bolt its gonna get bashed!Fooking thing!Cheers for the help fellas but it looks like brute force is goonna be me main tool for this bastid!
From what you tell me you will have enough threads on the inside if you take the nut off to turn it with stilsons, or vice grips, you might have to take your guard off completly though to get into it.
The tube where it is siezed into is only about three inches and should be a **** case to get it out. Follow my instructions above. Applied calculated force, not madness and injury or damage, and remember the proper phrases " come aff ya fookin bastord, take fookin that"
Any parts that may get unwanted heat wrap them in wet rags, and keep an eye on them, no point getting the bolt out and melting a track rod boot. also remember that heat goes up as well and look at everything above where you are heating and protect it as well. No fires.
If you have a pair of gloves wear them coz it saves the knuckles.
Coat the bolt with gold grease for the next time.
Ps next time you take the guard off just take the nut off, " yes I know, you fookin know that now".
Good luck. He He, done it maself a million times.