So my series 3 had a battered old series 2 radiator fitted so in my quest to get her on the road I bought a new series 3 radiator and a lovely new plastic cowl so it would all be proper. On fitting I realised someone had fitted a really large homemade fan so once more in the pursuit of doing things right I found a NOS petrol fan for a reasonable price and fitted that...unfortunately it is rubbing on the inside bottom of the cowl and I am at a loss now as to what the issue could be.
Has anyone experienced this?
Guesses at the moment (because the fan does not look lined up in the centre of the cowl) could be the wrong sized engine mounts so the whole engine is sitting low or possibly the new radiator is much thinner than the original ones and the fan isn't fully inserted in place (the series 2 radiator was much thicker).
(edited to add photos)
Has anyone experienced this?
Guesses at the moment (because the fan does not look lined up in the centre of the cowl) could be the wrong sized engine mounts so the whole engine is sitting low or possibly the new radiator is much thinner than the original ones and the fan isn't fully inserted in place (the series 2 radiator was much thicker).
(edited to add photos)
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