Hello folks Guido here from Downunder.
I have a question or two about the large pivot bolt on the bulkhead which acts as a hinge for the windscreen.
I have one original bolt and nut on the passenger side of the bulkhead pivot but am missing the bolt, nut and washers on the driver's side pivot.
Please see the attached photo of the bolt, nut and washers presently fitted.
![Windscreen_bulkead_pivot_bolt[1].jpg Windscreen_bulkead_pivot_bolt[1].jpg](https://www.landyzone.co.uk/data/attachments/310/310230-60ead002da2f70a5aa26f53b80bd966a.jpg)
Can anybody tell me what the actual size and thread type of the bolt is as well as the specifics of the washer sizes? Also, is it possible to undo the petal type lock nut without damaging the thread or the nut, or do the "petals" need to be opened up before loosening the nut? Are replacement bolts, nuts and washers available for this fixture or should I just replace the bolts place with more modern type fastenings?
I am not after concourse perfection, as long as I can have matching bolts, they fit correctly and do the job
I have a question or two about the large pivot bolt on the bulkhead which acts as a hinge for the windscreen.
I have one original bolt and nut on the passenger side of the bulkhead pivot but am missing the bolt, nut and washers on the driver's side pivot.
Please see the attached photo of the bolt, nut and washers presently fitted.
![Windscreen_bulkead_pivot_bolt[1].jpg Windscreen_bulkead_pivot_bolt[1].jpg](https://www.landyzone.co.uk/data/attachments/310/310230-60ead002da2f70a5aa26f53b80bd966a.jpg)
Can anybody tell me what the actual size and thread type of the bolt is as well as the specifics of the washer sizes? Also, is it possible to undo the petal type lock nut without damaging the thread or the nut, or do the "petals" need to be opened up before loosening the nut? Are replacement bolts, nuts and washers available for this fixture or should I just replace the bolts place with more modern type fastenings?
I am not after concourse perfection, as long as I can have matching bolts, they fit correctly and do the job