Rusty L322

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I hope those comments aren't aimed at me, I was being as honest as I could about the welding ,the rest was just preparing you for the reality of RR ownership.Then I saw @myfirstl322 's post and I'm guessing that you have crossed paths with the wicked witch of the North aka.Vinegar Tits. I'm guessing because I've blocked her years ago.;)
You used to be so close anol.
Thanks again everyone, I only came onto here just for some advice I didn’t know it would be such a drama. I’ll keep you updated on what happens with my piece of sh1t.
Thanks again everyone, I only came onto here just for some advice I didn’t know it would be such a drama. I’ll keep you updated on what happens with my piece of sh1t.
Sorry if you were bombarded with info that wasn't so great. A very car that has like all models it's issues and has some hurdles to climb, some cheap and some not so. The best thing is that you can spanner yourself which will save you a fortune as you know. The next thing is a diagnostic tool that'll help no end in looking for the gremlins that can lurk and if it's not your thing it soon will be. Enjoy your bus and welcome if it's not too late to say so;)
Thanks again everyone, I only came onto here just for some advice I didn’t know it would be such a drama. I’ll keep you updated on what happens with my piece of sh1t.
She could start an arguement in an empty room mate, Welcome by the way.Dont let it you down she had the cheek to berate an ex member on here@datatek for being negative.i can't remember a positive post from her.;)
She could start an arguement in an empty room mate, Welcome by the way.Dont let it you down she had the cheek to berate an ex member on here@datatek for being negative.i can't remember a positive post from her.;)
He's still a member, he was on a few weeks ago enquiring about something computery...

and it was an argument with the late Wammers wot did send him into a huff.

Not forgetting he also had a major huff when he didn't like the 'new' forum.:D
It appears that somebody has started making some panels, so have a search around there maybe more

Body Repair Panels for Range Rover L322 up to 2009 (

Its a real shame that LR seemed to go backwards a bit on the corrosion front, but they are a nice car when in good order.

A repair panel may have been handy for mine, but not at those no no,
a piece of old fridge sufficed perfectly.

The handle comes in 'handy' for my granny anol when I stop and ask her check my indicators.:p
Thanks again everyone, I only came onto here just for some advice I didn’t know it would be such a drama. I’ll keep you updated on what happens with my piece of sh1t.

We like a good drama around here. Handbags are not checked prior to kick-off and some clank alarmingly as they make contact. However, for the no holds barred kick each other in the nuts competition, head over to the Anything Goes section - not recommended if you have a weak stomach.
These responses are a lot more delightful, I’ve researched the panels and have found a few suppliers, it’s just finding someone to do the work down this way. I know it’s not going to be an easy ride with L322 ownership but I’m ready to ride it out.

Let us know how you get on.
Don’t let that “boron” issue scare you as personally in a rear arch panel how can that hurt;).

As @myfirstl322 joggle and bond, or braze for outer panel:). Really depends what you find underneath;).
Let’s face it I think they are mostly stuck together on top anyway:D.

Let us know how you get on.
Don’t let that “boron” issue scare you as personally in a rear arch panel how can that hurt;).

As @myfirstl322 joggle and bond, or braze for outer panel:). Really depends what you find underneath;).
Let’s face it I think they are mostly stuck together on top anyway:D.

He'll probably find metal so a robust needle may suffice!:p