G - Are you going to do the famous Road of Bones (Kolyma)? We were initially thinking about shipping from Vlad but for us the cost of shipping the container on and then cost of travelling ourselves, neutralised the China transit cost option with guide - hence China transit. We also looked at ferry to S Korea and shipping from there but again not cheap even though container shipment seems to be. Anyway, you've probably looked into all that already. Maybe China will have relaxed costs by then, who knows. And, we'd be honoured sir G to offer advice once we are in Oz though it would be damn strange as we're usually the one's seeking - Imagine!

Bevhelee on here is now NFA and also transiting to Oz with his family and 2 dogs but we're waiting for details on his planned route now we have ours - Bevhelee - any news if your reading this????? U coming with us???? (am told China eats dogs for dinner though!). What's the plan?
Rusty - cool site and re-designed since we last looked - we'll be picking your brains. Lake Baikal is a must for us and we think we might try to transit Mongolia in time for Nadaam festival mid-July although our plan says later currently. We might be able to hook up with 2 bikers at Erenhot border at this time and try to share transit costs for China leg. What do you think would be a comfortable transit time through Russia from Helsinki to Mongolia in your view - with a little bit of time to poodle about a bit?