RRS Rear Seats in a 110 DC

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Well-Known Member
South London/North Kent
On a constant hunt for new and better seats for the rear of my 110 DCPU as the standars onea are just poor.

The Exmoors while nice are too expensive and the cheaper seats (also not very comfy) you need the individual frames not the 60/40, along with a lot of fab work to the 110 itself. So they are out.

Renault Scenic seats are the other option but Id like to have a middle cubby/jump seat as per RRs and Discos, not asking for much i know

I have seen pictures where someone fit L322 rear seats into a DC which was snug but looked very good and fit well.

These are the seats in mind -


From what ive found they measure 54" wide and the 110 is 56" or so. So they should fit width wise!

Obvs they will need some fab work to fit. The idea being to beef up the 60/40 frame, fully fix it to the tub floor (U brackets, M8 bolts and rivnuts. Fine for the front seats so fine for the rear) then work out hoe to fix the RRS seats to the frame. I expect a mix of bolts and welding.

I would use the original fit LR seatbelts and fasteners to avoid any complications legal or otherwise.

Any reason I cant do this?