I'm looking to buy a one button remote for my 1993 RRC Vogue. It didn't come with one. I'm guessing one of the 14 owners lost them both...
anyway, I haven't thought about it much, until tonight when I locked the truck on the passenger door and the indicators flashed and the alarm sprung into life!!! LED on the dash cladding and everything!!! So, with that looking like it works I have some faith the RCL might work.
My question - how do I know which frequency fob to buy? Also, do the rover mini 1 button remotes work??
anyway, I haven't thought about it much, until tonight when I locked the truck on the passenger door and the indicators flashed and the alarm sprung into life!!! LED on the dash cladding and everything!!! So, with that looking like it works I have some faith the RCL might work.
My question - how do I know which frequency fob to buy? Also, do the rover mini 1 button remotes work??