if yer not happy here why dont you **** orf to somewhere where the grass is green and the sun is out all of the time and where theres no tax or fuel charges to pay
tis very easy to winge and moan about the assorted gov projects and how you could do a better job - dont you think that if running a country was easy that someone would have got it sussed by now ? - is there a country that is being run so well that everyone who lives there is happy with their lot ?
the art of being in gov is keeping more peeps happy than unhappy - that means there's some losers and some winners
quit yer moaning yer miserable sod
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, but I had to go out straight after making that post yesterday, then had friends round for dinner last night.
It's true, I am not happy here. The country has gone to the dogs and the lunatics are running the asylem. If I can structure my business accordingly, then future plans will include emmergating to pastures new where the cost of living is low, edducation standered are high, and crime is low.
There have been plenty of goverments who have managed to run this country without the constant interfeering and nannying that this shower of ****e does. There have been plenty of goverments who have managed not to waste litterally hundreds of billions of pounds of tax payers money. If you ran a business the same way that Labour runs this country, then you would find yourself out of a job or in the nick.
So, lets take a look at some of the good things that this goverment has done since 1997?
Peace in Northern Ireland.....
John Major started the ball rolling with that one, but I admit, "Teflon" Tony did a great deal more than Major. Although this included realesing many mass murders as part of The Good Friday Agreement.
Minimum Wage.....
This has helped increase the quality of life of many of this countrys lower paid workers.
They helped restore peace to the former Yugoslavia and Sierra Leone.
Erm, thats all I can think of for the good points.
Right then. Lets now look at the catasrophic failures and sheer ineptitude of this goverment since 1997. Perhaps the best place to start would be with Labours 1997 manifesto. After all, these are the promises they make to the electorate.
Over the five years of a Labour government:
1; Education will be our number one priority, and we will increase the share of national income spent on education as we decrease it on the bills of economic and social failure
2; There will be no increase in the basic or top rates of income tax
3; We will provide stable economic growth with low inflation, and promote dynamic and competitive business and industry at home and abroad
4; We will get 250,000 young unemployed off benefit and into work
5; We will rebuild the NHS, reducing spending on administration and increasing spending on patient care
6; We will be tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime, and halve the time it takes persistent juvenile offenders to come to court
7; We will help build strong families and strong communities, and lay the foundations of a modern welfare state in pensions and community care
8; We will safeguard our environment, and develop an integrated transport policy to fight congestion and pollution
9; We will clean up politics, decentralise political power throughout the United Kingdom and put the funding of political parties on a proper and accountable basis
10; We will give Britain the leadership in Europe which Britain and Europe need
By my scoring, they have managed none of the above.
1; Education. The standered of many 16yr old in just the basic English and maths is a joke. The whole system has been dumbed done to the lowest commen denominator in true socialist style. An "A" in GCSE's mean nothing any more as the required standered to get an "A" is patheticly low. The education system is a joke and leaves us flagging embarasingly behind many other western nations, let alone developing nations where education is held in such high regard.
2; Rates of income tax. Erm, 10p tax rate? Goverment "U" turn? Or hows about all the other stealth taxes that we now have?
3; The Econamy. The foundations were set in place by the last Tory Goverment. All Gordon Brown has done is have a free ride off the back of other peoples work, helped of course by a buyant global econamy. What he failed so misserably to do was leave anything left in reserve for when growth slows down or even stops, as it is now. As a country, we are practicly bankrupt. The national debt is the highest it has ever been, with no room left to raise taxes in order to reduce this massive burdon. 100's of billions have been squanded on illegal wars, IT projects, millenium domes, olyimpics, and a hundred more stupid follys, all at the expense of the tax payer. But hey, it doesn't matter. Tax payers money isn't real money is it, and is there to be wasted.
Setting of the interest rates was handed over to the BoE so that someone else could be blamed when they went up. The 'true' level of inflation is a hell of a lot higher than they tell you it is. Just take a look at your wages v cost of living to tell you that.
Oh, he also sold our gold reserves at the gold markets lowest point, costing us over 50 billion pounds.
4; Unemployment. Simple fudging of the figures.
5; NHS. Failed. More cheifs than indians. MRSA and other superbugs. An IT project that is so far over budget many have stopped counting, and when it eventually does come out, it will be obsolete and out of date.
All other figures about patient waiting times is again, fudging of the figures. The NHS hasn't got any worse, but it hasn't got any better, it's just costing us a hell of a lot more.
6; "Tough on crime. Tough on the causes of crime" PMSL. Thats a joke right?
7; Strong familys and strong communitys? Modern welfare state in pensions.
Lets start with stong familys and communitys. The high cost of living forcing many familys to have both parents working does not bring about strong familys.
Modern welfare state. Oh yes, we sure live in a welfare state with benifits being at an all time high. Why work when you can sponge off the state?
Pensions. You may have a good one if you work for the goverment, if not, you've been shafted after Gordon nicked billions from pension funds. Well done Gordon. Still, wont effect you eh?
8; Fail. Improvements in public transport have been minimal to say the least. With the introduction of Labours 'Transport 2000' white paper, this forced many local aurthoritys into engineering their road networks to make it harder to navigate by car. Such things as badly phased traffic lights, narrowing of lanes, closure of roads, increasing buss gates, filling in bus stops so that busses now stop in the middle of the road, congestion charging, etc, etc, have made it increasingly difficult to drive into many city centres. And mark my words, a nationwide road charging will be coming very, very soon, introduced city by city.
Just take a look at;
CURACAO to see that this will be forced through in very underhand ways whether we like it or not. All just part of an aurthoriton socialist Europe my friends. Stalin would be proud.
9; Clean up politics? Your having a laugh? This bunch of shiesters are without a doubt the most currupt, biggist bunch of liers ever to hold the seat of power. Their rotten to the core.
Lets not forget that Tony Blair is the only PM ever to have been questioned by the police, and it would have gone futher if it hadn't been for his good friend Ian Blair who is head of the Met.
This is a man who lied to the nation just to get us to go to war, then refused to apologise for it. How would you feel if your son, your brother, your father had been killed in duty whilst in Iraq or Afganistan?
There is also evidance to suggest that the tube bombings on July 7th were in fact a false flag operation to boost public support for thise campagns.
Lets also consider dr David Kelly. This is the man who was most vocal about the fact that iraq didn't have weapons of mass destruction, and he should know, having been a weapons inspector out there.
So, how did Dr David Kelly die then? Well official reports state that he strangle himself, (it's impossable to do that, you'd black out first, relaxing your grip), then shot himself in the head. Doesn't anyone else find that odd?
And then there's cash for Honors. So, take a whole load of peerages and flog them to the highest bidder, pocketing the cash for yourself. I'd call that theft, or at least fraud. But, If your Tony Blair, you just get away with it.
There's many more scandals that I cant be bothered to list. If you Google 'Labour Party Scandals', it will bring up 541'000 results. I think that that tells you all you need to know.
10; Giving Britain leadership in Europe.....
Again, what a joke. We have little in the way of influance or power in Europe. That is held by the French and the Germans.
The EU is massivly corrupt. Not once since it's inception have they managed to make the books balance. Just try doing that with your own business. We're better off out of it.
And wasn't we supposed to have a referendom on whether or not we wanted to be part of a Europe wide super state? I'm certain that tha was a Labour Party promise. Looks like that was another promise broken then.
Thats it for now. If any of you think that this shower of bastards has done a good job, then you need your head looking at. In my opinion, they are the worst goverment this country has ever had, by a hell of a long way.