Sorry mate, loads of questions to answer, you could retro fit the latter system, its pretty much the same but uses the filler cap to piggy back the breathing pipe, you could try this, refresh the oil with a decent 15w40 mineral oil, new filters, oil stat, make sure the thing is all in spec then try to fault find it, clogged filters, old oil etc wont help you diagnose this and may well be the problem but to be fair the turbo might not fix itself.
Okay so, Oil change on friday along with filters, got a catch can coming which ill install and ill clean the **** oil out of the airbox etc. TIL landys have oil stats?
However i am more worried about the turbo if im being honest, its a later air research one (good or bad?), im assuming theres a way to check its getting oil? Also changing the oil will hopefully help the turbo?
Ill try get a photo of the turbo tomorrow
Thanks again!